{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Copyright :  (c) Edward Kmett and Dan Doel 2014
-- License   :  BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Dan Doel <dan.doel@gmail.com>
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: non-portable

module Ermine.Core.Optimizer
  ( optimize
  , rewriteCore
  , rewriteCoreDown
  ) where

import Bound
import Bound.Var
import Bound.Scope
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.List (genericLength, genericSplitAt, genericIndex)
import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
import Data.Word
import Ermine.Syntax
import Ermine.Syntax.Convention
import Ermine.Syntax.Core
import Ermine.Syntax.Scope
import Ermine.Unification.Sharing

-- | Optimize core expressions by alternating between the different optimization passes several times.
optimize :: Core Convention c -> Core Convention c
optimize c = runIdentity . runSharing c $ optimize' 10 c

optimize' :: (Applicative m, MonadWriter Any m)
          => Int -> Core Convention c -> m (Core Convention c)
optimize' 0 c = return c
optimize' n c = do (c', Any b) <- listen $ suite c
                   if b then optimize' (n-1) c' else return c
 suite = rewriteCoreDown lamlam
     >=> rewriteCore betaVar
     >=> rewriteCoreDown specCase
     >=> rewriteCore etaDict

rewriteCoreDown :: forall m c cc. (Applicative m, MonadWriter Any m)
                => (forall d. Core cc d -> m (Core cc d)) -> Core cc c -> m (Core cc c)
rewriteCoreDown opt = go
 go :: forall e. Core cc e -> m (Core cc e)
 go c = sharing c (opt c) >>= \ xs -> case xs of
   l@(Lam cc e)         -> sharing l $ Lam cc <$> goS e
   d@(Data cc n g l)    -> sharing d $ Data cc n g <$> traverse go l
   d@(Prim cc r g l)    -> sharing d $ Prim cc r g <$> traverse go l
   a@(App cc f x)       -> sharing a $ App cc <$> go f <*> go x
   l@(Let d b)          -> sharing l $ Let <$> sharing d (traverse goS d) <*> goS b
   s@(Case e b d)       -> sharing s $ Case <$> go e <*> sharing b ((traverse.matchBody) goS b) <*> sharing d (traverse goS d)
   d@(Dict su sl)       -> sharing d $ Dict <$> sharing su (traverse go su) <*> sharing sl (traverse goS sl)
   x@HardCore{}         -> return x
   x@Var{}              -> return x
 goS :: forall b e. Scope b (Core cc) e -> m (Scope b (Core cc) e)
 goS s = sharing s . inScope go $ s

rewriteCore :: forall m c cc. (Applicative m, MonadWriter Any m)
            => (forall d. Core cc d -> m (Core cc d)) -> Core cc c -> m (Core cc c)
rewriteCore opt = go
 go :: forall e. Core cc e -> m (Core cc e)
 go c = sharing c $ opt =<< case c of
   l@(Lam cc e)         -> sharing l $ Lam cc <$> goS e
   d@(Data cc n g l)    -> sharing d $ Data cc n g <$> traverse go l
   d@(Prim cc r g l)    -> sharing d $ Prim cc r g <$> traverse go l
   a@(App cc f x)       -> sharing a $ App cc <$> go f <*> go x
   l@(Let d b)          -> sharing l $ Let <$> sharing d (traverse goS d) <*> goS b
   s@(Case e b d)       -> sharing s $ Case <$> go e <*> sharing b ((traverse.matchBody) goS b) <*> sharing d (traverse goS d)
   d@(Dict su sl)       -> sharing d $ Dict <$> sharing su (traverse go su) <*> sharing sl (traverse goS sl)
   x@HardCore{}         -> return x
   x@Var{}              -> return x
 goS :: forall b e. Scope b (Core cc) e -> m (Scope b (Core cc) e)
 goS s = sharing s . inScope go $ s

-- | Turns @\{x..} -> \{y..} -> ...@ into @\{x.. y..} -> ...@ for all lambda variants
lamlam :: forall c cc m. (Functor m, MonadWriter Any m) => Core cc c -> m (Core cc c)
lamlam (Lam cc0 e0) = slurp False cc0 (fromScope e0)
 slurp :: forall e. Bool -> [cc] -> Core cc (Var Word64 e) -> m (Core cc e)
 slurp _ m (Lam n b) | j <- fromIntegral $ length m = slurp True (m ++ n) (instantiate (\i -> pure $ B $ j + i) b)
 slurp b m c = Lam m (toScope c) <$ tell (Any b)
lamlam c = return c

-- | 'Lam D' is strict, so η-reduction for it is sound. η-reduce.
-- Todo: generalize this to larger lambdas and also extend it to cover other strict lambdas like U and N
etaDict :: forall c m. (Functor m, MonadWriter Any m) => Core Convention c -> m (Core Convention c)
etaDict c@(Lam [D] (Scope (App D f (Var (B 0))))) = case sequenceA f of
  B _ -> return c
  F g -> join g <$ tell (Any True)
etaDict c = return c

-- | β-reduces redexes like @(\x.. -> e) v..@ where @v..@ is all variables for all calling conventions
betaVar :: forall c m. (Applicative m, MonadWriter Any m) => Core Convention c -> m (Core Convention c)
betaVar = collapse []
 collapse stk (App C f x)
   | has _Var x || has _Slot x || has _Super x || has _Lit x = collapse (x:stk) f
 collapse stk (Lam cc body@(Scope body'))
   | len < n = do
     tell (Any True)
     let replace i
           | i < len   = F $ stk `genericIndex` i
           | otherwise = B $ i - len
     return $ Lam (drop (fromIntegral len) cc) $ Scope $ fmap (unvar replace F) body'
   | (args, stk') <- genericSplitAt n stk = do
     tell (Any True)
     collapse stk' $ instantiate (genericIndex args) body
     len = genericLength stk
     n   = genericLength cc
 collapse stk c = return $ apps c stk

-- | Specializes a case expression to a known constructor.
-- TODO: switch to
-- (\\ a b c -> let x = Foo a b c in body) arg1 .. argN
-- and rely on beta reduction and other checks for work-safe application reduction
-- This has the benefit that it works for all calling conventions
specCase :: forall m c. (Applicative m, MonadWriter Any m) => Core Convention c -> m (Core Convention c)
specCase c@(Case dat@(Data cc tg g as) bs d)
  -- TODO: Use a LamHash around this for all the unboxed arguments, and AppHash each to an argument.
  | any (/=C) cc = pure c -- until we change this to use Lam as described above
  | Just (Match _cc _g body) <- bs ^. at tg =
    Let ((Scope . Data cc tg g $ pure . B <$> [1..fromIntegral arity]) : map lift as)
        (mapBound fromIntegral body)
      <$ tell (Any True)
  | Just e <- d = Let [lift dat] (mapBound (const 0) e) <$ tell (Any True)
  | otherwise = error "PANIC: non-exhaustive case with no default"
  where arity = length cc
specCase c = pure c