module Ermine.Inference.Type
( matchFunType
, inferType
, inferPatternType
, generalizeType
) where
import Bound
import Bound.Scope
import Bound.Var
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.ST.Class
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List as List (partition, nub, group, elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set.Lens
import Data.STRef
import Data.Text as SText (pack)
import Data.Void
import Data.Word
import Data.Traversable
import Ermine.Builtin.Global
import Ermine.Builtin.Type as Type
import Ermine.Constraint.Env
import Ermine.Constraint.Simplification
import Ermine.Pattern.Env as Pattern
import Ermine.Pattern.Matching as Pattern
import Ermine.Syntax
import Ermine.Syntax.Convention as Convention
import Ermine.Syntax.Core as Core
import Ermine.Syntax.Name
import Ermine.Syntax.Literal
import Ermine.Syntax.Kind as Kind
import Ermine.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern
import Ermine.Syntax.Scope
import Ermine.Syntax.Term as Term
import qualified Ermine.Syntax.Type as Type
import Ermine.Syntax.Type hiding (Var, Loc)
import Ermine.Inference.Kind
import Ermine.Inference.Witness
import Ermine.Unification.Type
import Ermine.Unification.Meta
import Ermine.Unification.Sharing
import Prelude hiding (foldr, any, concat)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>), empty, (<>))
import Text.Trifecta.Result
type WitnessM s a = Witness (KindM s) (TypeM s) a
type AnnotM s = Annot (MetaT s)
type PatM s = Pattern (AnnotM s)
type TermM s a = Term (AnnotM s) a
type AltM s a = Alt (AnnotM s) (Term (AnnotM s)) a
type ScopeM b s a = Scope b (Term (AnnotM s)) a
type BindingM s a = Binding (AnnotM s) a
type CoreM s a = Scope a (Core (KindM s)) (TypeM s)
matchFunType :: MonadMeta s m => TypeM s -> m (TypeM s, TypeM s)
matchFunType (Type.App (Type.App (HardType Arrow) a) b) = return (a, b)
matchFunType (HardType _) = fail "not a fun type"
matchFunType t = do
bx <- pure <$> newMeta True Nothing
by <- pure <$> newMeta True Nothing
x <- pure <$> newMeta (Type bx) Nothing
y <- pure <$> newMeta (Type by) Nothing
(x, y) <$ unsharingT (unifyType t (x ~> y))
conventionForType :: MonadMeta s m => TypeM s -> m (KindM s)
conventionForType ty = do
bx <- pure <$> newMeta True Nothing
runSharing bx $ checkKind (view metaValue <$> ty) (Type bx) >> zonk bx
type WMap = Map.Map Word64
beside3 :: Applicative f => LensLike f s1 t1 a b -> LensLike f s2 t2 a b -> LensLike f s3 t3 a b -> LensLike f (s1,s2,s3) (t1,t2,t3) a b
beside3 x y z f (a,b,c) = (,,) <$> x f a <*> y f b <*> z f c
:: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> Depth -> (v -> TypeM s) -> WMap (TypeM s) -> BindingM s v -> m (WitnessM s (Var Word64 v))
inferBindingType d cxt lcxt bdg = do
let ps = bdg^..bindingBodies.traverse.bodyPatterns
case compare (length ( $ map length ps)) 1 of
LT -> fail "panic: missing right hand sides"
EQ -> return ()
GT -> fail "pattern arity mismatch"
mess <- for (bdg^.bindingBodies) $ \(Body bps gd wc) -> do
(skss, pts, ppts) <- unzip3 <$> traverse (inferPatternType d) bps
let pcxt (ArgPP i pp)
| Just f <- ppts ^? ix (fromIntegral i) = f pp
pcxt _ = error "panic: bad argument reference in lambda term"
whereCxt (F a) = cxt a
whereCxt (B (WhereDecl w)) = lcxt^?!ix w
whereCxt (B (WherePat p)) = pcxt p
whereWitnesses <- inferBindings (d+1) whereCxt wc
let wrs = whereWitnesses^..folded.witnessRowConstraints.folded
bodyCxt (BodyDecl w) = lcxt^?!ix w
bodyCxt (BodyPat p) = pcxt p
bodyCxt (BodyWhere w) = whereWitnesses^?!ix (fromIntegral w).witnessType
gd' <- for gd $ inferTypeInScope (d+1) bodyCxt cxt
(rs, t, cores) <- coalesceGuarded gd'
skss' <- for skss checkDistinct
(rs', t', cores') <- checkSkolems (Just d) (beside3 traverse id $ traverse.traverse) (join skss') (rs ++ wrs, foldr (~~>) t pts, cores)
let shuffle (B a) = B (F a)
shuffle (F (B a)) = B (B a)
shuffle (F (F a)) = F a
ccvs <- traverse conventionForType pts
return (rs', t', splitScope <$> cores', whereWitnesses^ (splitScope . mapBound shuffle), ccvs)
let rs = mess^.folded._1
guards = view _3 <$> mess
wheres = view _4 <$> mess
(t0:tys) = view _2 <$> mess
ccvs = view _5 $ head mess
ty <- runSharing t0 $ foldM unifyType t0 tys
simplifiedWitness rs ty $ mergeScope $ compileBinding ccvs ps guards wheres dummyPatternEnv
:: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> Depth -> (v -> TypeM s) -> WMap (TypeM s) -> WMap (BindingM s v) -> m (WMap (WitnessM s (Var Word64 v)))
inferBindingGroupTypes d cxt lcxt bg = do
bgts <- for bg $ \ b -> let me = b^?bindingType._Explicit in
(,) (isJust me) <$> instantiateAnnot d star (fromMaybe anyType me)
witnesses <- for bg $ inferBindingType (d+1) cxt (fmap snd bgts <> lcxt)
subsumeAndGeneralize d $ Map.intersectionWith (,) witnesses bgts
:: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> Depth -> (v -> TypeM s) -> [BindingM s v] -> m [WitnessM s (Var Word64 v)]
inferBindings d cxt bgs = do
(ws,_ts) <- foldlM step (Map.empty, Map.empty) sccs
return $ toList ws
is = zip [0..] bgs
sccs = Map.fromList . flattenSCC <$> stronglyConnComp (comp <$> is)
comp ib = (ib, fst ib, ib^.._2.bindingBodies.traverse.bodyDecls)
step (ws,ts) cc = do
nws <- inferBindingGroupTypes (d+1) cxt ts cc
return (ws <> nws, ts <> fmap (view witnessType) nws)
inferType :: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> Depth -> (v -> TypeM s) -> TermM s v -> m (WitnessM s v)
inferType _ cxt (Term.Var v) = unfurl_ (cxt v) v
inferType _ _ (HardTerm t) = inferHardType t
inferType d cxt (Loc r tm) = localMeta (metaRendering .~ r) $ inferType d cxt tm
inferType d cxt (Remember i t) = do
r <- inferType d cxt t
remember i (r^.witnessType)
return r
inferType d cxt (Sig tm (Annot hs hks ty)) = do
ks <- for hs $ newMeta False
ts <- for hks $ \h -> do
k <- newMeta False Nothing
newMeta (pure k) h
checkType d cxt tm (over kindVars (ks!!) $ instantiateVars ts ty)
inferType d cxt (Term.App f x) = do
Witness frcs ft fc <- inferType d cxt f
(i, o) <- matchFunType ft
Witness xrcs xt xc <- checkType d cxt x i
xcc <- conventionForType xt
simplifiedWitness (frcs ++ xrcs) o . Scope $ Core.App xcc (unscope fc) (unscope xc)
inferType d cxt (Term.Lam ps e) = do
(skss, pts, ppts) <- unzip3 <$> traverse (inferPatternType d) ps
let pcxt (ArgPP i pp)
| Just f <- ppts ^? ix (fromIntegral i) = f pp
pcxt _ = error "panic: bad argument reference in lambda term"
Witness rcs t c <- inferTypeInScope (d+1) pcxt cxt e
let cc = Pattern.compileLambda ps (splitScope c) dummyPatternEnv
skss' <- traverse checkDistinct skss
rt <- checkSkolems (Just d) id (join skss') $ foldr (~~>) t pts
pccs <- traverse conventionForType pts
return $ Witness rcs rt (lambda pccs cc)
inferType d cxt (Term.Case e b) = do
w <- inferType d cxt e
inferAltTypes d cxt w b
inferType d cxt (Term.Let xs b) = do
ws <- inferBindings d cxt xs
let ts = map (view witnessType) ws
w <- inferTypeInScope d (\i -> ts !! fromIntegral i) cxt b
let wc = w^ splitScope
let wsc = ws^ splitScope
simplifiedWitness (ws^.traverse.witnessRowConstraints ++ w^.witnessRowConstraints)
$ letrec wsc wc
inferTypeInScope :: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> Depth -> (b -> TypeM s) -> (v -> TypeM s)
-> ScopeM b s v -> m (WitnessM s (Var b v))
inferTypeInScope d aug cxt sm = inferType d (unvar aug cxt) $ fromScope sm
inferAltTypes :: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> Depth -> (v -> TypeM s) -> WitnessM s v
-> [AltM s v]
-> m (WitnessM s v)
inferAltTypes d cxt (Witness r t c) bs = do
(pts, l) <- unzip <$> traverse inferAlt bs
let (rss, bts, gcs) = unzip3 l
ps = map (\(Alt p _) -> p) bs
rs = join rss
c' = Pattern.compileCase ps c gcs dummyPatternEnv
uncaring $ foldlM unifyType t pts
bx <- pure <$> newMeta True Nothing
result <- pure <$> newMeta (Type bx) Nothing
t' <- runSharing result $ foldlM unifyType result bts
simplifiedWitness (r++rs) t' c'
inferAlt (Alt p b) = do
(sks, pt, pcxt) <- inferPatternType d p
let trav f (x, y, z) = (,,) <$> traverse f x <*> f y <*> (traverse.traverse) f z
trip <- inferGuarded pcxt b
sks' <- checkDistinct sks
checkSkolems (Just d) (beside id trav) sks' (pt, trip)
inferGuarded pcxt gb = do
bgws <- traverse (inferTypeInScope (d+1) pcxt cxt) gb
over _3 (splitScope <$>) <$> coalesceGuarded bgws
coalesceGuarded :: MonadMeta s m => Guarded (WitnessM s v) -> m ([TypeM s], TypeM s, Guarded (Scope v (Core (KindM s)) (TypeM s)))
coalesceGuarded (Unguarded (Witness r' t' c')) = pure (r', t', Unguarded c')
coalesceGuarded (Guarded l) = do
bx <- pure <$> newMeta True Nothing
rt <- pure <$> newMeta (Type bx) Nothing
(rs, ty, l') <- foldrM ?? ([], rt, []) ?? l $
\(Witness gr gt gc, Witness br bt bc) (rs, ty, gcs) -> do
uncaring $ unifyType gt Type.bool
(rs++gr++br,,(gc,bc):gcs) <$> runSharing ty (unifyType ty bt)
pure (rs, ty, Guarded l')
simplifiedWitness :: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> [TypeM s] -> TypeM s -> CoreM s a -> m (WitnessM s a)
simplifiedWitness rcs t c = runSharing c (traverse zonk c) >>= \c' ->
Witness rcs t <$> simplifyVia (toList c') c'
abstractedWitness :: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> Int -> [MetaT s] -> [TypeM s] -> [TypeM s] -> TypeM s -> CoreM s a
-> m (WitnessM s a)
abstractedWitness d sks rs cs0 ty co0 = do
cs <- runSharing cs0 $ traverse zonk cs0
co <- runSharing co0 $ traverse zonk co0
co' <- simplifyVia cs co
unless (Foldable.all (`Foldable.elem` cs) co') $ fail "undischarged obligation"
((rs', ty'), co'') <-
checkSkolems (Just d) (traverse`beside`id`beside`traverse) sks
((rs, ty),
lambda (_Convention # D <$ cs) $
abstract (fmap fromIntegral . flip elemIndex cs) co')
pure $ Witness rs' ty' co''
checkType :: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> Depth -> (v -> TypeM s) -> TermM s v -> TypeM s -> m (WitnessM s v)
checkType d cxt e t = do
w <- inferType d cxt e
bx <- pure <$> newMeta False Nothing
checkKind (view metaValue <$> t) (Type bx)
subsumesType d w t
subsumesType :: MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m
=> Depth -> WitnessM s v -> TypeM s -> m (WitnessM s v)
subsumesType d (Witness rs t1 c) t2 = do
(sks, sts, cs, t2') <- skolemize d t2
uncaring $ unifyType t1 t2'
_ <- checkDistinct sks
sts' <- checkDistinct sts
abstractedWitness d sts' rs cs t2 c
:: (Traversable f, MonadConstraint (KindM s) s m)
=> Depth -> f (WitnessM s v, (Bool, TypeM s)) -> m (f (WitnessM s v))
subsumeAndGeneralize d wts = do
mess <- for wts $ \(Witness rs t1 c, (signed, t2)) -> do
(sks, sts, cs, t2') <- skolemize d t2
t2'' <- withSharing (unifyType t1) t2'
return (sks, sts, rs, cs, t2'', signed, c)
for mess $ \(sks, sts, rs, cs0, ty, signed, co0) -> do
sks' <- checkDistinct sks
sts' <- checkDistinct sts
checkEscapes d sks'
checkEscapes d sts'
cs <- withSharing (traverse zonk) cs0
co <- withSharing (traverse zonk) co0
co' <- simplifyVia cs co
unless (not signed || Foldable.all (`Foldable.elem` cs) co') $ fail "undischarged obligation"
generalizeWitnessType d . Witness rs (cs ==> ty) $
lambda (_Convention # D <$ cs) $
abstract (fmap fromIntegral . flip elemIndex cs) co'
cabs :: Eq a => [a] -> Var b a -> Maybe Word64
cabs cls (F ty) = fromIntegral <$> elemIndex ty cls
cabs _ _ = Nothing
:: MonadMeta s m
=> Depth -> WitnessM s v -> m (WitnessM s v)
generalizeWitnessType min_d (Witness r0 t0 c0) = do
r <- runSharing r0 $ traverse zonkKindsAndTypes r0
t <- runSharing t0 $ zonkKindsAndTypes t0
c <- runSharing c0 $ traverse zonkKindsAndTypes c0
let cc = nub (toList c)
tvs <- filterM ?? toListOf typeVars (t,cc,r) $ \ tv -> do
d <- liftST $ readSTRef (tv^.metaDepth)
return (min_d <= d)
let s = setOf traverse tvs
cc' = filter (any (`Set.member` s)) cc
let kvs0 = toListOf kindVars t ++ toListOf (traverse.metaValue.kindVars) tvs
kvs <- filterM ?? kvs0 $ \kv -> do
d <- liftST $ readSTRef (kv^.metaDepth)
return $ min_d <= d && not (kv^.metaValue)
let (r',cc'')
| min_d == 0 = ([],r ++ cc')
| otherwise = (r, cc')
when (any (any (`Set.member` s)) r') $
fail "Unable to abstract over a local row constraint"
let n = length cc'
withSharing zonkWitnessKindsAndTypes $ Witness r'
(view metaHint)
(view metaHint)
(tvs <&> \tv -> (tv, tv^.metaValue))
(allConstraints cc'')
$ if n == 0
then c
else toScope $ Core.Lam (_Convention # D <$ cc') $ abstract (cabs cc') $ fromScope c
generalizeType :: MonadMeta s m => WitnessM s a -> m (Type k t, Core Convention a)
generalizeType w = do
Witness [] t0 c0 <- generalizeWitnessType 0 w
let scopeCheck (B x) = return x
scopeCheck (F _) =
fail "panic: generalizeType failed to abstract over all class constraints"
fixConvention k0 = runSharing k0 (zonk k0) >>= \k -> case preview _Convention k of
Just cc -> return cc
Nothing -> case k of
Kind.Var _ -> return C
_ -> fail "panic: generalizeType: failed to affix calling conventions"
t <- runSharing t0 $ zonkKindsAndTypesWith t0
(\k -> when (k^.metaValue) $ writeMeta k (HardKind Star))
(const $ pure ())
c <- bitraverse fixConvention scopeCheck (fromScope c0)
case closedType t of
Just t' -> pure (t', c)
Nothing -> fail "panic: generalizeType failed to generalize all variables"
inferHardType :: MonadMeta s m => HardTerm -> m (WitnessM s a)
inferHardType (Term.Lit l@String{}) =
return $ Witness [] (literalType l) $
dataCon [_Convention # N] 0 stringg ## (_Lit # l)
inferHardType (Term.Lit l@Integer{}) =
return $ Witness [] (literalType l) $
dataCon [_Convention # N] 0 Type.integer ## (_Lit # l)
inferHardType (Term.Lit l) =
return $ Witness [] (literalType l) $
dataCon [_Convention # U] 0 literalg ## (_Lit # l)
inferHardType (Term.Tuple n) = do
vs <- replicateM (fromIntegral n) $ pure <$> newMeta star Nothing
return $ Witness [] (foldr (~>) (tup vs) vs) $
dataCon (replicate (fromIntegral n) (_Convention # C)) 0 (tupleg n)
inferHardType Hole = do
bx <- pure <$> newMeta True Nothing
tv <- newMeta (Type bx) Nothing
r <- viewMeta metaRendering
return $ Witness [] (Type.Var tv) $ _HardCore # (Core.Error $ SText.pack $ show $ plain $ explain r $ Err (Just (text "open hole")) [] mempty)
inferHardType (DataCon g t)
| g^.name == "Nothing" = unfurl (bimap absurd absurd t) $ dataCon [] 0 g
| g^.name == "Just" = unfurl (bimap absurd absurd t) $ dataCon [_Convention # C] 1 g
| g^.name == "E" = unfurl (bimap absurd absurd t) $ dataCon [_Convention # C] 0 g
| g^.name == "String#" = unfurl (bimap absurd absurd t) $ dataCon [_Convention # N] 1 g
inferHardType _ = fail "Unimplemented"
literalType :: Literal -> Type k a
literalType Int{} =
literalType Long{} = long
literalType Byte{} = byte
literalType Short{} = short
literalType String{} = Type.string
literalType Char{} = Type.char
literalType Float{} = Type.float
literalType Double{} = Type.double
literalType Integer{} = Type.integer
skolemize :: MonadMeta s m
=> Depth -> TypeM s -> m ([MetaK s], [MetaT s], [TypeM s], TypeM s)
skolemize _ (Forall ks ts cs bd) = do
sks <- for ks $ newMeta False
sts <- for ts $ \(h,t) -> newMeta (instantiateVars sks t) h
let inst = instantiateKindVars sks . instantiateVars sts
(rs, tcs) <- unfurlConstraints $ inst cs
unless (null rs) $
fail "invalid higher-rank row constraints"
return (sks, sts, tcs, inst bd)
skolemize _ t = return ([], [], [], t)
unfurl :: MonadMeta s m
=> TypeM s -> Scope a (Core (KindM s)) (TypeM s) -> m (WitnessM s a)
unfurl (Forall ks ts cs bd) co = do
mks <- for ks $ newMeta False
mts <- for ts $ \(h,t) -> newMeta (instantiateVars mks t) h
let inst = instantiateKindVars mks . instantiateVars mts
(rcs, tcs) <- unfurlConstraints . inst $ cs
return $ Witness rcs (inst bd) $ appDicts co (pure <$> tcs)
unfurl t co = pure $ Witness [] t co
unfurl_ :: MonadMeta s m => TypeM s -> a -> m (WitnessM s a)
unfurl_ ty v = unfurl ty . Scope . pure . B $ v
partConstraints :: TypeM s -> ([TypeM s], [TypeM s])
partConstraints (And l) = List.partition isRowConstraint l
partConstraints c | isRowConstraint c = ([c], [])
| otherwise = ([], [c])
unfurlConstraints :: MonadMeta s m => TypeM s -> m ([TypeM s], [TypeM s])
unfurlConstraints (Exists ks ts cs) = do
mks <- for ks $ newMeta False
mts <- for ts $ \(h,t) -> newMeta (instantiateVars mks t) h
pure . partConstraints . instantiateKindVars mks . instantiateVars mts $ cs
unfurlConstraints c = pure $ partConstraints c
inferPatternType :: MonadMeta s m => Depth -> PatM s
-> m ([MetaT s], TypeM s, PatternPath -> TypeM s)
inferPatternType d (SigP ann) = do
k <- Type . pure <$> newMeta True Nothing
ty <- instantiateAnnot d k ann
return ([], ty, \ xs -> case xs of LeafPP -> ty ; _ -> error "panic: bad pattern path")
inferPatternType d WildcardP = do
k <- Type . pure <$> newMeta True Nothing
pure <$> newShallowMeta d k Nothing <&> \m ->
([], m, \ xs -> case xs of LeafPP -> m ; _ -> error "panic: bad pattern path")
inferPatternType d (AsP p) =
inferPatternType d p <&> \(sks, ty, pcxt) ->
(sks, ty, \ xs -> case xs of LeafPP -> ty ; pp -> pcxt pp)
inferPatternType d (StrictP p) = inferPatternType d p
inferPatternType d (LazyP p) = inferPatternType d p
inferPatternType d (TupP ps) = do
unzip3 <$> traverse (inferPatternType d) ps <&> \(sks, tys, cxts) ->
( join sks
, apps (tuple $ length ps) tys
, \ xs -> case xs of
FieldPP i pp | Just f <- cxts ^? ix (fromIntegral i) -> f pp
_ -> error "panic: bad pattern path"
inferPatternType _ (LitP l) =
pure ([], literalType l, \_ -> error "panic: bad pattern path")
inferPatternType d (ConP g ps)
| g^.name == "E" =
newShallowMeta d star (Just "e") >>= \x ->
case ps of
[ ] -> fail "under-applied constructor"
[p] -> do (sks, ty, f) <- inferPatternType d p
uncaring $ unifyType (pure x) ty
return ( x:sks
, ee
, \xs -> case xs of
FieldPP 0 pp -> f pp
_ -> error "panic: bad pattern path"
_ -> fail "over-applied constructor"
| g^.name == "Just" =
case ps of
[ ] -> fail "under-applied constructor"
[p] -> do (sks, ty, f) <- inferPatternType d p
checkKind (view metaValue <$> ty) star
return (sks, maybe_ ty, \xs -> case xs of
FieldPP 0 pp -> f pp
_ -> error "panic: bad pattern path")
_ -> fail "over-applied constructor"
| g^.name == "Long#" =
case ps of
[] -> fail "under-applied constructor"
[p] -> do (sks, ty, f) <- inferPatternType d p
uncaring $ unifyType ty longh
return (sks, long, \xs -> case xs of
FieldPP 0 pp -> f pp
_ -> error "panic: bad pattern path"
_ -> fail "over-applied constructor"
| g^.name == "Nothing" =
case ps of
[] -> newShallowMeta d star (Just "a") >>= \x ->
return ([], maybe_ $ pure x, error "panic: bad pattern path")
_ -> fail "over-applied constructor"
inferPatternType _ c@(ConP _ _) = error $ "inferPatternType: constructor unimplemented: " ++ show c
instantiateAnnot :: MonadMeta s m
=> Depth -> KindM s -> Annot (MetaT s) -> m (TypeM s)
instantiateAnnot d k (Annot hs hks sc) = do
kvs <- for hs $ \h -> newShallowMeta d False h
tvs <- for hks $ \hk -> do
tk <- newShallowMeta d False Nothing
newShallowMeta d (pure tk) hk
let ty = over kindVars (kvs!!) $ instantiateVars tvs sc
ty <$ checkKind (view metaValue <$> ty) k
:: (MonadMeta s m, MonadWriter Any m)
=> WitnessM s v -> m (WitnessM s v)
zonkWitnessKindsAndTypes (Witness xs ys ts) = Witness <$> traverse zonkKindsAndTypes xs <*> zonkKindsAndTypes ys <*> traverse zonkKindsAndTypes ts