module Ermine.Syntax.Core
, Match(..)
, matchArgs
, matchGlobal
, matchBody
, triverseMatch
, Cored(..)
, JavaLike(..)
, Foreign(..)
, HardCore(..)
, AsHardCore(..)
, super
, slot
, lam
, let_
, dataCon
, prim
) where
import Bound
import Bound.Var
import Bound.Scope
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Lens as Lens
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Bytes.Get
import Data.Bytes.Put
import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Data.Data
import Data.List as List
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Hashable.Extras
import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize
import Data.Map
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
import Data.String
import Data.Text as Strict hiding (cons, length)
import Data.Word
import Ermine.Syntax
import Ermine.Syntax.Convention
import Ermine.Syntax.Global as Global hiding (N)
import Ermine.Syntax.Id (Id, AsId(..))
import Ermine.Syntax.Literal
import Ermine.Syntax.Scope
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude.Extras
import Prelude
data JavaLike
= Method !Bool !Strict.Text !Strict.Text [Strict.Text]
| Constructor !Strict.Text [Strict.Text]
| Value !Bool !Strict.Text !Strict.Text
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Data,Typeable,Generic)
instance Hashable JavaLike
instance Serial JavaLike where
serialize (Method st cn mn args) = putWord8 0 >> serialize st >> serialize cn >> serialize mn >> serialize args
serialize (Constructor cn args) = putWord8 1 >> serialize cn >> serialize args
serialize (Value st cn fn) = putWord8 2 >> serialize st >> serialize cn >> serialize fn
deserialize = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> Method <$> deserialize <*> deserialize <*> deserialize <*> deserialize
1 -> Constructor <$> deserialize <*> deserialize
2 -> Value <$> deserialize <*> deserialize <*> deserialize
_ -> fail $ "get JavaLike: Unexpected constructor code: " ++ show b
data Foreign
= JavaLike !JavaLike
| Unknown !Strict.Text
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Data,Typeable,Generic)
instance Serial Foreign where
serialize (JavaLike j) = putWord8 0 >> serialize j
serialize (Unknown s) = putWord8 1 >> serialize s
deserialize = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> liftM JavaLike deserialize
1 -> liftM Unknown deserialize
_ -> fail $ "get Foreign: Unexpected constructor code: " ++ show b
instance Hashable Foreign
data HardCore
= Super !Word64
| Slot !Word64
| Lit !Literal
| Foreign !Foreign
| Error !Strict.Text
| Id !Id
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Data,Typeable,Generic)
class AsId c => AsHardCore c where
_HardCore :: Prism' c HardCore
_Lit :: Prism' c Literal
_Lit = _HardCore._Lit
_Error :: Prism' c Strict.Text
_Error = _HardCore._Error
_Super :: Prism' c Word64
_Super = _HardCore._Super
_Slot :: Prism' c Word64
_Slot = _HardCore._Slot
_Foreign :: Prism' c Foreign
_Foreign = _HardCore._Foreign
instance f ~ Core t => AsGlobal (Scope b f a) where
_Global = _Id._Global
instance f ~ Core t => AsId (Scope b f a) where
_Id = _HardCore._Id
instance f ~ Core t => AsHardCore (Scope b f a) where
_HardCore = prism (Scope . HardCore) $ \ t@(Scope b) -> case b of
HardCore k -> Right k
Var (F (HardCore k)) -> Right k
_ -> Left t
instance AsGlobal HardCore where
_Global = _Id._Global
instance AsId HardCore where
_Id = prism Id $ \ xs -> case xs of Id l -> Right l ; hc -> Left hc
instance AsHardCore HardCore where
_HardCore = id
_Lit = prism Lit $ \ xs -> case xs of Lit l -> Right l ; hc -> Left hc
_Error = prism Error $ \ xs -> case xs of Error l -> Right l ; hc -> Left hc
_Super = prism Super $ \ xs -> case xs of Super l -> Right l ; hc -> Left hc
_Slot = prism Slot $ \ xs -> case xs of Slot l -> Right l ; hc -> Left hc
_Foreign = prism Foreign $ \ xs -> case xs of Foreign l -> Right l ; hc -> Left hc
instance Hashable HardCore
instance Serial HardCore where
serialize (Super i) = putWord8 0 >> serialize i
serialize (Slot g) = putWord8 1 >> serialize g
serialize (Lit i) = putWord8 2 >> serialize i
serialize (Foreign f) = putWord8 3 >> serialize f
serialize (Error s) = putWord8 4 >> serialize s
serialize (Id g) = putWord8 5 >> serialize g
deserialize = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> liftM Super deserialize
1 -> liftM Slot deserialize
2 -> liftM Lit deserialize
3 -> liftM Foreign deserialize
4 -> liftM Error deserialize
5 -> liftM Id deserialize
_ -> fail $ "get HardCore: Unexpected constructor code: " ++ show b
instance Binary HardCore where
put = serialize
get = deserialize
instance Serialize HardCore where
put = serialize
get = deserialize
class (Variable c, AppHash c, AppDict c, App c, Applicative c, Monad c) => Cored t c | c -> t where
core :: Core t a -> c a
case_ :: c a -> Map Word64 (Match t c a) -> Maybe (Scope () c a) -> c a
lambda :: [t] -> Scope Word64 c a -> c a
letrec :: [Scope Word64 c a] -> Scope Word64 c a -> c a
hardCore :: HardCore -> c a
hardCore = core . HardCore
instance AsConvention t => Cored t (Core t) where
core = id
case_ = Case
lambda [] s = instantiate (error "lambda: impossible argument") s
lambda cc s = Lam cc s
letrec = Let
instance Cored t m => Cored t (Scope b m) where
core = lift . core
case_ e bs d = Scope $ case_ (unscope e) (fmap (over matchBody expandScope) bs) (fmap expandScope d)
lambda cc e = Scope . lambda cc $ expandScope e
letrec ds body = Scope $ letrec (expandScope <$> ds) (expandScope body)
expandScope :: forall t b1 b2 a. (Applicative t, Monad t)
=> Scope b2 (Scope b1 t) a -> Scope b2 t (Var b1 (t a))
expandScope (Scope e) = Scope e'''
twist :: forall c d e. Var c (Var d e) -> Var d (Var c e)
twist = unvar (F . B) (unvar B (F . F))
e' :: t (Var b1 (Var b2 (Scope b1 t a)))
e' = fromScope e
e'' :: t (Var b2 (Var b1 (Scope b1 t a)))
e'' = fmap twist e'
e''' :: t (Var b2 (t (Var b1 (t a))))
e''' = (fmap.fmap) (unvar (pure . B) unscope) e''
data Match t c a = Match
{ _matchArgs :: [t]
, _matchGlobal :: !Global
, _matchBody :: Scope Word64 c a
} deriving (Eq,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
:: Applicative f
=> (t -> f t') -> (forall x y. (x -> f y) -> c x -> f (c' y)) -> (a -> f a')
-> Match t c a -> f (Match t' c' a')
triverseMatch f g h (Match cc gl e) =
(Match ?? gl) <$> traverse f cc <*> bitransverseScope g h e
instance (Monad c, Hashable t, Hashable1 c, Hashable a) => Hashable (Match t c a) where
hashWithSalt n (Match cc g b) = (n `hashWithSalt` cc `hashWithSalt` g) `hashWithSalt1` b
instance Monad c => BoundBy (Match t c) c where
boundBy f (Match cc g b) = Match cc g (b >>>= f)
instance (Hashable t, Monad c, Hashable1 c) => Hashable1 (Match t c)
serializeMatch :: MonadPut m => (t -> m ()) -> (forall b. (b -> m ()) -> c b -> m ()) -> (a -> m ()) -> Match t c a -> m ()
serializeMatch pt pc pa (Match cc g b) = serializeWith pt cc >> serialize g >> serializeScope3 serialize pc pa b
deserializeMatch :: MonadGet m => m t -> (forall b. m b -> m (c b)) -> m a -> m (Match t c a)
deserializeMatch gt gc ga = Match <$> deserializeWith gt <*> deserialize <*> deserializeScope3 deserialize gc ga
instance (Serial t, Serial1 c) => Serial1 (Match t c) where
serializeWith pa (Match cc g b) = serialize cc >> serialize g >> serializeWith pa b
deserializeWith ga = liftM3 Match deserialize deserialize (deserializeWith ga)
instance (Serial t, Serial1 c, Serial a) => Serial (Match t c a) where
serialize = serializeWith serialize
deserialize = deserializeWith deserialize
instance (Serial t, Serial1 c, Binary a) => Binary (Match t c a) where
put = serializeWith Binary.put
get = deserializeWith Binary.get
instance (Serial t, Serial1 c, Serialize a) => Serialize (Match t c a) where
put = serializeWith Serialize.put
get = deserializeWith Serialize.get
matchArgs :: Lens (Match t c a) (Match t' c a) [t] [t']
matchArgs f (Match a g b) = f a <&> \a' -> Match a' g b
matchGlobal :: Lens' (Match t c a) Global
matchGlobal f (Match a g b) = f g <&> \g' -> Match a g' b
matchBody :: Lens (Match t c a) (Match t d b) (Scope Word64 c a) (Scope Word64 d b)
matchBody f (Match a g b) = Match a g <$> f b
data Core t a
= Var a
| HardCore !HardCore
| Data [t] !Word64 !Global [Core t a]
| Prim [t] t !Global [Core t a]
| App !t !(Core t a) !(Core t a)
| Lam [t] !(Scope Word64 (Core t) a)
| Let [Scope Word64 (Core t) a] !(Scope Word64 (Core t) a)
| Case !(Core t a) (Map Word64 (Match t (Core t) a)) (Maybe (Scope () (Core t) a))
| Dict { supers :: [Core t a], slots :: [Scope Word64 (Core t) a] }
deriving (Eq,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
instance AsGlobal (Core t a) where
_Global = _HardCore._Id._Global
instance AsId (Core t a) where
_Id = _HardCore._Id
instance AsHardCore (Core t a) where
_HardCore = prism HardCore $ \c -> case c of
HardCore hc -> Right hc
_ -> Left c
_AppConvention :: AsConvention k => Convention -> Prism' (Core k a) (Core k a, Core k a)
_AppConvention cc = prism (uncurry $ App (_Convention # cc)) $ \ xs -> case xs of
App cc' f d | has (_Convention.only cc) cc' -> Right (f, d)
_ -> Left xs
instance AsConvention t => AppDict (Core t) where
_AppDict = _AppConvention D
instance AsConvention t => AppHash (Core t) where
_AppHash = _AppConvention U
instance Serial2 Core where
serializeWith2 _ pa (Var a) = putWord8 0 >> pa a
serializeWith2 _ _ (HardCore h) = putWord8 1 >> serialize h
serializeWith2 pt pa (Data cc i g cs) = putWord8 2 >> serializeWith pt cc >> serialize i >> serialize g >> serializeWith (serializeWith2 pt pa) cs
serializeWith2 pt pa (Prim cc r g cs) = putWord8 3 >> serializeWith pt cc >> pt r >> serialize g >> serializeWith (serializeWith2 pt pa) cs
serializeWith2 pt pa (App cc c1 c2) = putWord8 4 >> pt cc >> serializeWith2 pt pa c1 >> serializeWith2 pt pa c2
serializeWith2 pt pa (Lam cc s) = putWord8 5 >> serializeWith pt cc >> serializeScope3 serialize (serializeWith2 pt) pa s
serializeWith2 pt pa (Let ss s) = putWord8 6 >> serializeWith (serializeScope3 serialize (serializeWith2 pt) pa) ss >> serializeScope3 serialize (serializeWith2 pt) pa s
serializeWith2 pt pa (Case c bs d) = putWord8 7 >> serializeWith2 pt pa c >> serializeWith (serializeMatch pt (serializeWith2 pt) pa) bs >> serializeWith (serializeScope3 serialize (serializeWith2 pt) pa) d
serializeWith2 pt pa (Dict sups slts) = putWord8 8 >> serializeWith (serializeWith2 pt pa) sups >> serializeWith (serializeScope3 serialize (serializeWith2 pt) pa) slts
deserializeWith2 gt ga = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> liftM Var ga
1 -> liftM HardCore deserialize
2 -> liftM4 Data (deserializeWith gt) deserialize deserialize (deserializeWith $ deserializeWith2 gt ga)
3 -> liftM4 Prim (deserializeWith gt) gt deserialize (deserializeWith $ deserializeWith2 gt ga)
4 -> liftM3 App gt (deserializeWith2 gt ga) (deserializeWith2 gt ga)
5 -> liftM2 Lam (deserializeWith gt) (deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeWith2 gt) ga)
6 -> liftM2 Let (deserializeWith (deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeWith2 gt) ga)) (deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeWith2 gt) ga)
7 -> liftM3 Case (deserializeWith2 gt ga) (deserializeWith $ deserializeMatch gt (deserializeWith2 gt) ga) (deserializeWith $ deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeWith2 gt) ga)
8 -> liftM2 Dict (deserializeWith (deserializeWith2 gt ga)) (deserializeWith $ deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeWith2 gt) ga)
_ -> fail $ "deserializeWith: Unexpected constructor code: " ++ show b
instance Serial t => Serial1 (Core t) where
serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
instance (Serial t, Serial a) => Serial (Core t a) where
serialize = serializeWith serialize
deserialize = deserializeWith deserialize
instance (Binary t, Binary a) => Binary (Core t a) where
put = serializeWith2 Binary.put Binary.put
get = deserializeWith2 Binary.get Binary.get
instance (Serialize t, Serialize a) => Serialize (Core t a) where
put = serializeWith2 Serialize.put Serialize.put
get = deserializeWith2 Serialize.get Serialize.get
instance Hashable2 Core
instance Hashable a => Hashable1 (Core a)
distHardCore, distData, distPrim, distApp, distLam, distLet, distCase, distDict :: Word
distHardCore = maxBound `quot` 3
distData = maxBound `quot` 5
distPrim = maxBound `quot` 7
distApp = maxBound `quot` 11
distLam = maxBound `quot` 13
distLet = maxBound `quot` 17
distCase = maxBound `quot` 19
distDict = maxBound `quot` 23
instance (Hashable t, Hashable a) => Hashable (Core t a) where
hashWithSalt n (Var a) = hashWithSalt n a
hashWithSalt n (HardCore c) = hashWithSalt n c `hashWithSalt` distHardCore
hashWithSalt n (Data cc i g cs) = hashWithSalt n cc `hashWithSalt` i `hashWithSalt` g `hashWithSalt` cs `hashWithSalt` distData
hashWithSalt n (Prim cc r g cs) = hashWithSalt n cc `hashWithSalt` r `hashWithSalt` g `hashWithSalt` cs `hashWithSalt` distPrim
hashWithSalt n (App cc x y) = hashWithSalt n cc `hashWithSalt` x `hashWithSalt` y `hashWithSalt` distApp
hashWithSalt n (Lam cc b) = hashWithSalt n cc `hashWithSalt` b `hashWithSalt` distLam
hashWithSalt n (Let ts b) = hashWithSalt n ts `hashWithSalt` b `hashWithSalt` distLet
hashWithSalt n (Case c bs d) = hashWithSalt n c `hashWithSalt` bs `hashWithSalt` d `hashWithSalt` distCase
hashWithSalt n (Dict s ss) = hashWithSalt n s `hashWithSalt` ss `hashWithSalt` distDict
instance IsString a => IsString (Core b a) where
fromString = Var . fromString
instance AsConvention b => App (Core b) where
_App = _AppConvention C
instance Variable (Core b) where
_Var = prism Var $ \t -> case t of
Var a -> Right a
_ -> Left t
instance Applicative (Core b) where
pure = Var
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Core b) where
return = Var
Var a >>= f = f a
HardCore h >>= _ = HardCore h
Data cc tg g xs >>= f = Data cc tg g ((>>= f) <$> xs)
Prim cc r g xs >>= f = Prim cc r g ((>>= f) <$> xs)
App cc x y >>= f = App cc (x >>= f) (y >>= f)
Lam cc e >>= f = Lam cc (boundBy f e)
Let bs e >>= f = Let (boundBy f <$> bs) (boundBy f e)
Case e as d >>= f = Case (e >>= f) (over matchBody (boundBy f) <$> as) ((>>>= f) <$> d)
Dict xs ys >>= f = Dict ((>>= f) <$> xs) ((>>>= f) <$> ys)
instance Bifunctor Core where
bimap f g = runIdentity . bitraverse (pure . f) (pure . g)
instance Bifoldable Core where
bifoldMap = bifoldMapDefault
instance Bitraversable Core where
:: forall cc f cc' c c'. Applicative f
=> (cc -> f cc') -> (c -> f c') -> Core cc c -> f (Core cc' c')
bitraverse f g = go
bts :: forall b. Scope b (Core cc) c -> f (Scope b (Core cc') c')
bts (Scope e) = Scope <$> bitraverse f (traverse $ bitraverse f g) e
go (Var a) = Var <$> g a
go (HardCore h) = pure $ HardCore h
go (Data cc tgl gl xs) = (Data ?? tgl ?? gl) <$> traverse f cc <*> traverse go xs
go (Prim cc r gl xs) =
Prim <$> traverse f cc <*> f r <*> pure gl <*> traverse go xs
go (App cc h x) = App <$> f cc <*> go h <*> go x
go (Lam cc e) = Lam <$> traverse f cc <*> bts e
go (Let bs e) = Let <$> traverse bts bs <*> bts e
go (Case e as d) =
Case <$> go e
<*> traverse (triverseMatch f (bitraverse f) g) as
<*> traverse bts d
go (Dict xs ys) = Dict <$> traverse go xs <*> traverse bts ys
instance Eq2 Core
instance Show2 Core
instance Eq b => Eq1 (Core b)
instance Show b => Show1 (Core b)
super :: (AsHardCore (c a), AppDict c) => Word64 -> c a -> c a
super i c = _AppDict # (_Super # i, c)
slot :: (AsHardCore (c a), AppDict c) => Word64 -> c a -> c a
slot i c = _AppDict # (_Slot # i, c)
lam :: (Cored t m, Eq a) => t -> [a] -> Core t a -> m a
lam c as t = core $ Lam (c <$ as) (abstract (fmap fromIntegral . flip List.elemIndex as) t)
let_ :: (Cored t m, Eq a) => [(a, Core t a)] -> Core t a -> m a
let_ bs b = core $ Let (abstr . snd <$> bs) (abstr b)
where vs = fst <$> bs
abstr = abstract (fmap fromIntegral . flip List.elemIndex vs)
dataCon :: Cored t m => [t] -> Word64 -> Global -> m a
dataCon [] tg g = core $ Data [] tg g []
dataCon cc tg g = core $ Lam cc $ Scope $ Data cc tg g $ pure.B <$> [0..fromIntegral (length cc1)]
prim :: Cored t m => [t] -> t -> Global -> m a
prim [] r g = core $ Prim [] r g []
prim cc r g = core $ Lam cc $ Scope $ Prim cc r g $ pure.B <$> [0..fromIntegral (length cc1)]
instance (Hashable a, Hashable b) => Hashable (Map a b) where
hashWithSalt n m = hashWithSalt n (Data.Map.toAscList m)