module Ermine.Syntax.Pattern
( Pattern(..)
, _SigP
, _WildcardP
, _AsP
, _StrictP
, _LazyP
, _LitP
, _ConP
, _TupP
, _ConP'
, _LitP'
, PatternHead(..)
, _TupH
, _ConH
, conventions
, headName
, traverseHead
, PatternPath(..)
, PatternPaths
, fieldPP
, argPP
, leafPP
, paths
, manyPaths
, Guarded(..)
, Alt(..)
, bitraverseAlt
, patternHead
, prune
, forces
, irrefutable
, serializeAlt3
, deserializeAlt3
) where
import Bound
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Lens
import Data.Bitraversable
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Data.Bytes.Get
import Data.Bytes.Put
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
import Data.Word
import Ermine.Syntax
import Ermine.Syntax.Convention
import Ermine.Syntax.Global
import Ermine.Syntax.Literal
import Ermine.Syntax.Scope
import GHC.Generics
data Pattern t
= SigP t
| WildcardP
| AsP (Pattern t)
| StrictP (Pattern t)
| LazyP (Pattern t)
| LitP !Literal
| ConP !Global [Pattern t]
| TupP [Pattern t]
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
makePrisms ''Pattern
_ConP' :: Global -> Prism' (Pattern t) [Pattern t]
_ConP' g = prism (ConP g) $ \ xs -> case xs of
ConP g' ps | g == g' -> Right ps
p -> Left p
_LitP' :: Literal -> Prism' (Pattern t) [Pattern t]
_LitP' l = prism (\[] -> LitP l) $ \xs -> case xs of
LitP l' | l == l' -> Right []
p -> Left p
data PatternPath
= LeafPP
| FieldPP !Word64 PatternPath
| ArgPP !Word64 PatternPath
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic)
type PatternPaths = Endo PatternPath
fieldPP :: Word64 -> PatternPaths
fieldPP = Endo . FieldPP
argPP :: Word64 -> PatternPaths
argPP = Endo . ArgPP
leafPP :: PatternPaths -> PatternPath
leafPP = flip appEndo LeafPP
paths :: Pattern t -> [PatternPath]
paths = go mempty
go pp (SigP _) = [leafPP pp]
go pp (AsP p) = leafPP pp : go pp p
go pp (StrictP p) = go pp p
go pp (LazyP p) = go pp p
go pp (ConP _ ps) = join $ zipWith (\i -> go $ pp <> fieldPP i) [0..] ps
go pp (TupP ps) = join $ zipWith (\i -> go $ pp <> fieldPP i) [0..] ps
go _ _ = []
manyPaths :: [Pattern t] -> [PatternPath]
manyPaths = join . zipWith (\i -> map (ArgPP i) . paths) [0..]
instance Hashable PatternPath
data PatternHead
= TupH !Word64
| ConH [Convention] !Global
| LitH !Literal
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
makePrisms ''PatternHead
conventions :: PatternHead -> [Convention]
conventions (TupH n) = replicate (fromIntegral n) C
conventions (ConH cc _) = cc
conventions LitH{} = []
headName :: Traversal' PatternHead Global
headName f (ConH a g) = ConH a <$> f g
headName _ h = pure h
patternHead :: Fold (Pattern t) PatternHead
patternHead f p@(ConP g ps) = p <$ f (ConH (C <$ ps) g)
patternHead f p@(TupP ps) = p <$ f (TupH . fromIntegral $ length ps)
patternHead f (AsP p) = patternHead f p
patternHead f (StrictP p) = patternHead f p
patternHead f p@(LitP l) = p <$ f (LitH l)
patternHead _ p = pure p
traverseHead :: PatternHead -> Traversal' (Pattern t) [Pattern t]
traverseHead (ConH _ g) = _ConP' g
traverseHead (TupH _) = _TupP
traverseHead (LitH l) = _LitP' l
prune :: Pattern t -> Pattern t
prune (AsP p) = prune p
prune (StrictP p) = prune p
prune p = p
forces :: Pattern t -> Bool
forces ConP{} = True
forces TupP{} = True
forces StrictP{} = True
forces LitP{} = True
forces (AsP p) = forces p
forces _ = False
data Guarded tm
= Unguarded tm
| Guarded [(tm, tm)]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
data Alt t f a = Alt !(Pattern t) (Guarded (Scope PatternPath f a))
deriving (Eq,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
instance Bound (Alt t) where
Alt p b >>>= f = Alt p (fmap (>>>= f) b)
instance Monad f => BoundBy (Alt t f) f where
boundBy f (Alt p b) = Alt p (fmap (boundBy f) b)
bitraverseAlt :: (Bitraversable k, Applicative f) => (t -> f t') -> (a -> f b) -> Alt t (k t) a -> f (Alt t' (k t') b)
bitraverseAlt f g (Alt p b) =
Alt <$> traverse f p <*> traverse (bitraverseScope f g) b
irrefutable :: Pattern t -> Bool
irrefutable (SigP _) = True
irrefutable WildcardP = True
irrefutable (LazyP _) = True
irrefutable (AsP p) = irrefutable p
irrefutable _ = False
instance (Bifunctor p, Choice p, Applicative f) => Tup p f (Pattern t) where
_Tup = prism TupP $ \p -> case p of
TupP ps -> Right ps
_ -> Left p
instance (Serial t, Serial1 f) => Serial1 (Alt t f) where
serializeWith pa (Alt p s) = do
serialize p
serializeWith (serializeWith pa) s
deserializeWith ga = liftM2 Alt deserialize (deserializeWith $ deserializeWith ga)
instance Serial1 Guarded where
serializeWith ptm (Unguarded tm) = putWord8 0 *> ptm tm
serializeWith ptm (Guarded tms) = putWord8 1 *> serializeWith putPair tms where
putPair (tm1, tm2) = ptm tm1 *> ptm tm2
deserializeWith gtm = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> Unguarded <$> gtm
1 -> Guarded <$> deserializeWith ((,) <$> gtm <*> gtm)
_ -> fail $ "getGuarded: Unexpected constructor code: " ++ show b
instance Serial v => Serial (Guarded v) where
serialize = serialize1 ; deserialize = deserialize1
instance Binary tm => Binary (Guarded tm) where
put = serializeWith Binary.put
get = deserializeWith Binary.get
instance Serialize tm => Serialize (Guarded tm) where
put = serializeWith Serialize.put
get = deserializeWith Serialize.get
instance (Serial t, Serial1 f, Serial a) => Serial (Alt t f a) where
serialize = serializeWith serialize
deserialize = deserializeWith deserialize
:: MonadPut m
=> (t -> m ()) -> (forall a. (a -> m ()) -> f a -> m ()) -> (v -> m ())
-> Alt t f v -> m ()
serializeAlt3 pt pf pv (Alt p b) = serializeWith pt p *> serializeWith (serializeScope3 serialize pf pv) b
:: MonadGet m
=> m t -> (forall a. m a -> m (f a)) -> m v -> m (Alt t f v)
deserializeAlt3 gt gf gv =
Alt <$> deserializeWith gt <*> deserializeWith (deserializeScope3 deserialize gf gv)
instance Serial1 Pattern where
serializeWith pt (SigP t) = putWord8 0 >> pt t
serializeWith _ WildcardP = putWord8 1
serializeWith pt (AsP p) = putWord8 2 >> serializeWith pt p
serializeWith pt (StrictP p) = putWord8 3 >> serializeWith pt p
serializeWith pt (LazyP p) = putWord8 4 >> serializeWith pt p
serializeWith _ (LitP l) = putWord8 5 >> serialize l
serializeWith pt (ConP g ps) = putWord8 6 >> serialize g >> serializeWith (serializeWith pt) ps
serializeWith pt (TupP ps) = putWord8 7 >> serializeWith (serializeWith pt) ps
deserializeWith gt = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> liftM SigP gt
1 -> return WildcardP
2 -> liftM AsP $ deserializeWith gt
3 -> liftM StrictP $ deserializeWith gt
4 -> liftM LazyP $ deserializeWith gt
5 -> liftM LitP deserialize
6 -> liftM2 ConP deserialize (deserializeWith $ deserializeWith gt)
7 -> liftM TupP $ deserializeWith (deserializeWith gt)
_ -> fail $ "get Pattern: unexpected constructor tag: " ++ show b
instance Serial a => Serial (Pattern a) where
serialize = serializeWith serialize
deserialize = deserializeWith deserialize
instance Binary t => Binary (Pattern t) where
put = serializeWith Binary.put
get = deserializeWith Binary.get
instance Serialize t => Serialize (Pattern t) where
put = serializeWith Serialize.put
get = deserializeWith Serialize.get
instance Serial PatternPath where
instance Binary PatternPath where put = serialize ; get = deserialize
instance Serialize PatternPath where put = serialize ; get = deserialize