module Ermine.Syntax.Term
, bindTerm
, HardTerm(..)
, Terminal(..)
, BodyBound(..)
, WhereBound(..)
, AsDecl(..)
, Binding(..)
, HasBinding(..)
, BindingType(..)
, _Implicit
, _Explicit
, Body(..)
, bodyPatterns
, bodyGuarded
, bodyWhere
, bodyDecls
) where
import Bound
import Bound.Scope
import Bound.Var
import Control.Lens
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Bifoldable
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Bytes.Get
import Data.Bytes.Put
import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Data.Foldable
import Data.IntMap hiding (map)
import Data.Map hiding (map)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Void
import Data.Word
import Ermine.Diagnostic
import Ermine.Syntax
import Ermine.Syntax.Global
import Ermine.Syntax.Kind hiding (Var)
import Ermine.Syntax.Pattern
import Ermine.Syntax.Literal
import Ermine.Syntax.Scope
import Ermine.Syntax.Type hiding (App, Loc, Var, Tuple)
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude.Extras
data HardTerm
= Lit Literal
| DataCon !Global (Type Void Void)
| Tuple !Word64
| Hole
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
class Terminal t where
hardTerm :: Prism' t HardTerm
litTerm :: Literal -> t
litTerm = review hardTerm . Lit
hole :: t
hole = review hardTerm Hole
instance Terminal HardTerm where
hardTerm = id
data BindingType t
= Explicit t
| Implicit
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
data BodyBound = BodyDecl Word64
| BodyPat PatternPath
| BodyWhere Word64
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Generic)
data WhereBound = WhereDecl Word64
| WherePat PatternPath
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Generic)
class AsDecl t where
_Decl :: Prism' t Word64
instance AsDecl BodyBound where
_Decl = prism BodyDecl $ \ xs -> case xs of
BodyDecl d -> Right d
x -> Left x
instance AsDecl WhereBound where
_Decl = prism WhereDecl $ \ xs -> case xs of
WhereDecl d -> Right d
x -> Left x
data Body t a = Body
{ _bodyPatterns :: [Pattern t]
, _bodyGuarded :: Guarded (Scope BodyBound (Term t) a)
, _bodyWhere :: [Binding t (Var WhereBound a)]
} deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
bodyDecls :: Traversal' (Body t a) Word64
bodyDecls f (Body ps g bs) = Body ps <$> (traverse.traverseBound._Decl) f g <*> (traverse.traverse._B._Decl) f bs
instance Bifunctor Body where
bimap = bimapDefault
instance Bifoldable Body where
bifoldMap = bifoldMapDefault
instance Bitraversable Body where
bitraverse f g (Body ps ss wh) =
Body <$> traverse (traverse f) ps
<*> traverse (bitraverseScope f g) ss
<*> traverse (bitraverse f (traverse g)) wh
data Binding t a = Binding { _bindingLoc :: !Rendering, _bindingType :: !(BindingType t), _bindingBodies :: [Body t a] }
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance (Eq t, Eq a) => Eq (Binding t a) where
Binding _ t bs == Binding _ t' bs' = t == t' && bs == bs'
instance Bifunctor Binding where
bimap = bimapDefault
instance Bifoldable Binding where
bifoldMap = bifoldMapDefault
instance Bitraversable Binding where
bitraverse f g (Binding l bt bs) = Binding l <$> traverse f bt <*> traverse (bitraverse f g) bs
data Term t a
= Var a
| App !(Term t a) !(Term t a)
| HardTerm !HardTerm
| Sig !(Term t a) t
| Lam [Pattern t] !(Scope PatternPath (Term t) a)
| Case !(Term t a) [Alt t (Term t) a]
| Let [Binding t a] !(Scope Word64 (Term t) a)
| Loc !Rendering !(Term t a)
| Remember !Int !(Term t a)
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance IsString a => IsString (Term t a) where
fromString = Var . fromString
instance Variable (Term t) where
_Var = prism Var $ \t -> case t of
Var a -> Right a
_ -> Left t
instance App (Term t) where
_App = prism (uncurry App) $ \t -> case t of
App l r -> Right (l,r)
_ -> Left t
instance (p ~ Tagged, f ~ Identity) => Tup p f (Term t a) where
_Tup = unto hither
where hither [x] = x
hither l = apps (HardTerm . Tuple . fromIntegral $ length l) l
instance Terminal (Term t a) where
hardTerm = prism HardTerm $ \t -> case t of
HardTerm a -> Right a
_ -> Left t
instance (Eq t, Eq a) => Eq (Term t a) where
Loc _ l == r = l == r
l == Loc _ r = l == r
Remember _ l == r = l == r
l == Remember _ r = l == r
Var a == Var b = a == b
Sig e t == Sig e' t' = e == e' && t == t'
Lam p b == Lam p' b' = p == p' && b == b'
HardTerm t == HardTerm t' = t == t'
Case b as == Case b' as' = b == b' && as == as'
App a b == App c d = a == c && b == d
Let bs e == Let bs' e' = bs == bs' && e == e'
_ == _ = False
instance Bifunctor Term where
bimap = bimapDefault
instance Bifoldable Term where
bifoldMap = bifoldMapDefault
instance Bitraversable Term where
bitraverse f g = tm where
tm (Var a) = Var <$> g a
tm (Sig e t) = Sig <$> tm e <*> f t
tm (Lam ps b) = Lam <$> traverse (traverse f) ps <*> bitraverseScope f g b
tm (HardTerm t) = pure (HardTerm t)
tm (App l r) = App <$> tm l <*> tm r
tm (Loc r b) = Loc r <$> tm b
tm (Remember i b) = Remember i <$> tm b
tm (Case b as) = Case <$> tm b <*> traverse (bitraverseAlt f g) as
tm (Let bs ss) = Let <$> traverse (bitraverse f g) bs <*> bitraverseScope f g ss
instance Eq t => Eq1 (Term t)
instance Show t => Show1 (Term t)
instance Eq2 Term
instance Show2 Term
bindTerm :: (t -> t') -> (a -> Term t' b) -> Term t a -> Term t' b
bindTerm _ g (Var a) = g a
bindTerm f g (App l r) = App (bindTerm f g l) (bindTerm f g r)
bindTerm f g (Sig e t) = Sig (bindTerm f g e) (f t)
bindTerm _ _ (HardTerm t) = HardTerm t
bindTerm f g (Lam ps (Scope b)) = Lam (fmap f <$> ps) (Scope (bimap f (fmap (bindTerm f g)) b))
bindTerm f g (Loc r b) = Loc r (bindTerm f g b)
bindTerm f g (Remember i b) = Remember i (bindTerm f g b)
bindTerm f g (Case b as) = Case (bindTerm f g b) (bindAlt f g <$> as)
bindTerm f g (Let bs (Scope b)) = Let (bindBinding f g <$> bs) (Scope (bimap f (fmap (bindTerm f g)) b))
bindBody :: (t -> t') -> (a -> Term t' b) -> Body t a -> Body t' b
bindBody f g (Body ps gs wh) =
let s (Scope b) = Scope $ bimap f (fmap $ bindTerm f g) b in
Body (fmap f <$> ps)
(s <$> gs)
(fmap (bindBinding f (unvar (pure . B) (fmap F . g))) wh)
bindBinding :: (t -> t') -> (a -> Term t' b) -> Binding t a -> Binding t' b
bindBinding f g (Binding r bt bs) = Binding r (fmap f bt) (bindBody f g <$> bs)
bindAlt :: (t -> t') -> (a -> Term t' b) -> Alt t (Term t) a -> Alt t' (Term t') b
bindAlt f g (Alt p gs) =
let s (Scope b) = Scope $ bimap f (fmap $ bindTerm f g) b in
Alt (fmap f p) (fmap s gs)
instance Applicative (Term t) where
pure = Var
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Term t) where
return = Var
m >>= g = bindTerm id g m
instance HasKindVars t t' k k' => HasKindVars (Term t a) (Term t' a) k k' where
kindVars f = bitraverse (kindVars f) pure
instance HasTypeVars t t' tv tv' => HasTypeVars (Term t a) (Term t' a) tv tv' where
typeVars f = bitraverse (typeVars f) pure
class HasTermVars s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
termVars :: Traversal s t a b
instance HasTermVars (Term t a) (Term t b) a b where
termVars = traverse
instance HasTermVars s t a b => HasTermVars [s] [t] a b where
termVars = traverse.termVars
instance HasTermVars s t a b => HasTermVars (IntMap s) (IntMap t) a b where
termVars = traverse.termVars
instance HasTermVars s t a b => HasTermVars (Map k s) (Map k t) a b where
termVars = traverse.termVars
instance Serial HardTerm
instance Binary HardTerm where put = serialize ; get = deserialize
instance Serialize HardTerm where put = serialize ; get = deserialize
instance Serial BodyBound
instance Binary BodyBound where put = serialize ; get = deserialize
instance Serialize BodyBound where put = serialize ; get = deserialize
instance Serial WhereBound
instance Binary WhereBound where put = serialize ; get = deserialize
instance Serialize WhereBound where put = serialize ; get = deserialize
instance Serial1 BindingType where
serializeWith f (Explicit a) = putWord8 0 >> f a
serializeWith _ Implicit = putWord8 1
deserializeWith m = getWord8 >>= \a -> case a of
0 -> Explicit <$> m
1 -> return Implicit
_ -> fail "BindingType.deserializeWith: unexpected case"
instance Serial t => Serial (BindingType t) where
serialize = serialize1 ; deserialize = deserialize1
instance Binary t => Binary (BindingType t) where
put = serializeWith Binary.put
get = deserializeWith Binary.get
instance Serialize t => Serialize (BindingType t) where
put = serializeWith Serialize.put
get = deserializeWith Serialize.get
instance Serial2 Binding where
serializeWith2 pt pa (Binding _ bt body) =
serializeWith pt bt *> serializeWith (serializeWith2 pt pa) body
deserializeWith2 gt ga = Binding <$> return mempty
<*> deserializeWith gt
<*> deserializeWith (deserializeWith2 gt ga)
instance Serial t => Serial1 (Binding t) where
serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
instance (Serial t, Serial v) => Serial (Binding t v) where
serialize = serialize1 ; deserialize = deserialize1
instance (Binary t, Binary v) => Binary (Binding t v) where
put = serializeWith2 Binary.put Binary.put
get = deserializeWith2 Binary.get Binary.get
instance Serial2 Body where
serializeWith2 pt pa (Body pats g bs) =
serializeWith (serializeWith pt) pats *>
serializeWith (serializeScope3 serialize (serializeWith2 pt) pa) g *>
serializeWith (serializeWith2 pt (serializeWith pa)) bs
deserializeWith2 gt ga =
Body <$> deserializeWith (deserializeWith gt)
<*> deserializeWith (deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeWith2 gt) ga)
<*> deserializeWith (deserializeWith2 gt (deserializeWith ga))
instance Serial t => Serial1 (Body t) where
serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
instance (Serial t, Serial v) => Serial (Body t v) where
serialize = serialize1 ; deserialize = deserialize1
instance (Binary t, Binary a) => Binary (Body t a) where
put = serializeWith2 Binary.put Binary.put
get = deserializeWith2 Binary.get Binary.get
instance (Serialize t, Serialize a) => Serialize (Body t a) where
put = serializeWith2 Serialize.put Serialize.put
get = deserializeWith2 Serialize.get Serialize.get
instance Serial2 Term where
serializeWith2 pt pa = go
go (Var a) = putWord8 0 *> pa a
go (App t1 t2) = putWord8 1 *> go t1 *> go t2
go (HardTerm h) = putWord8 2 *> serialize h
go (Sig t1 t) = putWord8 3 *> go t1 *> pt t
go (Lam ps s) =
putWord8 4 *> serializeWith (serializeWith pt) ps
*> serializeScope3 serialize (serializeWith2 pt) pa s
go (Case t alts) =
putWord8 5 *> go t *> serializeWith (serializeAlt3 pt (serializeWith2 pt) pa) alts
go (Let bs s) =
putWord8 6 *> serializeWith (serializeWith2 pt pa) bs
*> serializeScope3 serialize (serializeWith2 pt) pa s
go (Loc _ t) = putWord8 7 *> go t
go (Remember i t) = putWord8 8 *> serialize i *> go t
deserializeWith2 gt ga = go
go = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> Var <$> ga
1 -> App <$> go <*> go
2 -> HardTerm <$> deserialize
3 -> Sig <$> go <*> gt
4 -> Lam <$> deserializeWith (deserializeWith gt)
<*> deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeWith2 gt) ga
5 -> Case <$> go <*> deserializeWith (deserializeAlt3 gt (deserializeWith2 gt) ga)
6 -> Let <$> deserializeWith (deserializeWith2 gt ga)
<*> deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeWith2 gt) ga
7 -> Loc <$> return mempty <*> go
8 -> Remember <$> deserialize <*> go
_ -> fail $ "getTerm: Unexpected constructor code: " ++ show b
instance Serial t => Serial1 (Term t) where
serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
instance (Serial t, Serial v) => Serial (Term t v) where
serialize = serialize1
deserialize = deserialize1
instance (Binary t, Binary v) => Binary (Term t v) where
put = serializeWith2 Binary.put Binary.put
get = deserializeWith2 Binary.get Binary.get
instance (Serialize t, Serialize v) => Serialize (Term t v) where
put = serializeWith2 Serialize.put Serialize.put
get = deserializeWith2 Serialize.get Serialize.get
makeClassy ''Binding
makePrisms ''BindingType
makeLenses ''Body