module Ermine.Syntax.Type
, forall
, exists
, mergeConstraints
, allConstraints
, (~~>)
, (==>)
, isTrivialConstraint
, isRowConstraint
, FieldName
, HardType(..)
, Typical(..)
, TK
, abstractKinds
, instantiateKinds
, instantiateKindVars
, bitraverseScopeTK
, bindType
, bindTK
, closedType
, bimemoverse
, memoverse
, abstractAll
, HasTypeVars(..)
, Annot(..)
, annot
, serializeTK
, deserializeTK
) where
import Bound
import Bound.Scope
import Bound.Var
import Control.Lens
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.State as State
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bifoldable
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Data.Bytes.Get
import Data.Bytes.Put
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Data
import Data.Foldable hiding (all)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Hashable.Extras
import Data.Monoid
import Data.IntMap hiding (map, filter, null, foldl')
import Data.List (sortBy, elemIndex, nub, nubBy)
import Data.Map as Map hiding (map, filter, null, foldl')
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Set as Set hiding (map, filter, null, foldl')
import Data.Set.Lens as Set
import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
import Data.String
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void
import Data.Word
import Ermine.Diagnostic
import Ermine.Syntax
import Ermine.Syntax.Digest
import Ermine.Syntax.Hint
import Ermine.Syntax.Global
import Ermine.Syntax.Kind hiding (Var, general)
import qualified Ermine.Syntax.Kind as Kind
import Ermine.Syntax.Scope
import GHC.Generics hiding (to)
import Prelude.Extras
#ifdef HLINT
type FieldName = Text
data HardType
= Tuple !Int
| Arrow
| Con !Global !(Schema Void)
| ConcreteRho [FieldName]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable HardType
instance Digestable HardType
instance Serial HardType where
serialize (Tuple n) = putWord8 0 *> serialize n
serialize Arrow = putWord8 1
serialize (Con g s) = putWord8 2 *> serialize g *> serializeWith absurd s
serialize (ConcreteRho fs) = putWord8 3 *> serialize fs
deserialize = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> Tuple <$> deserialize
1 -> pure Arrow
2 -> Con <$> deserialize
<*> deserializeWith
(fail "deserialize: HardType: getting schema with variables")
3 -> ConcreteRho <$> deserialize
_ -> fail $ "deserialize: HardType: unexpected constructor tag: " ++ show b
instance Binary HardType where
put = serialize
get = deserialize
instance Serialize HardType where
put = serialize
get = deserialize
class Typical t where
hardType :: Prism' t HardType
tuple :: Int -> t
tuple = review hardType . Tuple
arrow :: t
arrow = review hardType Arrow
con :: Global -> Schema Void -> t
con g k = review hardType (Con g k)
concreteRho :: [FieldName] -> t
concreteRho s = review hardType (ConcreteRho s)
instance Typical HardType where
hardType = id
data Type k a
= Var a
| App !(Type k a) !(Type k a)
| HardType !HardType
| Forall [Hint] [(Hint, Scope Int Kind k)] (Scope Int (TK k) a) !(Scope Int (TK k) a)
| Loc !Rendering !(Type k a)
| Exists [Hint] [(Hint, Scope Int Kind k)] (Scope Int (TK k) a)
| And [Type k a]
deriving (Show, Read, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Typeable, Generic)
infixl 9 `App`
instance Fun (Type k) where
_Fun = prism (\(l,r) -> arrow `App` l `App` r) $ \t -> case t of
HardType Arrow `App` l `App` r -> Right (l, r)
_ -> Left t
instance App (Type k) where
_App = prism (uncurry App) $ \t -> case t of
App l r -> Right (l,r)
_ -> Left t
instance (p ~ Tagged, f ~ Identity) => Tup p f (Type k t) where
_Tup = unto hither
where hither [x] = x
hither l = apps (HardType . Tuple $ length l) l
instance (Data k, Data a) => Data (Type k a) where
gfoldl f z (Var a) = z Var `f` a
gfoldl f z (App l r) = z App `f` l `f` r
gfoldl f z (HardType t) = z HardType `f` t
gfoldl f z (Forall hs ks ts b) = z Forall `f` hs `f` ks `f` ts `f` b
gfoldl f z (Loc l r) = z (Loc l) `f` r
gfoldl f z (Exists hs ks b) = z Exists `f` hs `f` ks `f` b
gfoldl f z (And xs) = z And `f` xs
toConstr _ = error "toConstr"
gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold"
dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "Ermie.Syntax.Type"
dataCast1 f = gcast1 f
dataCast2 f = gcast2 f
instance Hashable2 Type
instance Hashable k => Hashable1 (Type k)
instance Digestable k => Digestable1 (Type k)
distApp, distHardType, distForall, distExists, distAnd :: Word
distApp = maxBound `quot` 3
distHardType = maxBound `quot` 5
distForall = maxBound `quot` 7
distExists = maxBound `quot` 11
distAnd = maxBound `quot` 13
instance (Hashable k, Hashable a) => Hashable (Type k a) where
hashWithSalt n (Var a) = hashWithSalt n a
hashWithSalt n (App l r) = hashWithSalt n l `hashWithSalt` r `hashWithSalt` distApp
hashWithSalt n (HardType t) = hashWithSalt n t `hashWithSalt` distHardType
hashWithSalt n (Forall k tvs cs b) = hashWithSalt n k `hashWithSalt` tvs `hashWithSalt` cs `hashWithSalt` b `hashWithSalt` distForall
hashWithSalt n (Loc _ ty) = hashWithSalt n ty
hashWithSalt n (Exists k tvs cs) = hashWithSalt n k `hashWithSalt` tvs `hashWithSalt` cs `hashWithSalt` distExists
hashWithSalt n (And xs) = hashWithSalt n xs `hashWithSalt` distAnd
instance (Digestable k, Digestable t) => Digestable (Type k t) where
digest c (Var a) = digest c (1 :: Word8) `digest` a
digest c (App f x) = digest c (2 :: Word8) `digest` f `digest` x
digest c (HardType h) = digest c (3 :: Word8) `digest` h
digest c (Forall k tvs cs b) = digest c (4 :: Word8) `digest` k `digest` tvs `digest` cs `digest` b
digest c (Loc _ ty) = digest c ty
digest c (Exists k tvs cs) = digest c (5 :: Word8) `digest` k `digest` tvs `digest` cs
digest c (And xs) = digest c (6 :: Word8) `digest` xs
instance IsString a => IsString (Type k a) where
fromString = Var . fromString
instance Variable (Type k) where
_Var = prism Var $ \t -> case t of
Var a -> Right a
_ -> Left t
instance Typical (Type k a) where
hardType = prism HardType $ \ s -> case s of
HardType a -> Right a
_ -> Left s
instance (Eq k, Eq a) => Eq (Type k a) where
Loc _ l == r = l == r
l == Loc _ r = l == r
Var a == Var b = a == b
App l r == App l' r' = l == l' && r == r'
HardType x == HardType y = x == y
Forall n ks cs b == Forall n' ks' cs' b' = n == n' && ks == ks' && cs == cs' && b == b'
Exists n ks cs == Exists n' ks' cs' = n == n' && ks == ks' && cs == cs'
And cs == And cs' = cs == cs'
_ == _ = False
instance Bifunctor Type where
bimap = bimapDefault
instance Bifoldable Type where
bifoldMap = bifoldMapDefault
instance Bitraversable Type where
bitraverse _ g (Var a) = Var <$> g a
bitraverse f g (App l r) = App <$> bitraverse f g l <*> bitraverse f g r
bitraverse _ _ (HardType t) = pure $ HardType t
bitraverse f g (Forall n ks cs b) =
Forall n <$> traverse (traverse (traverse f)) ks
<*> bitraverseScope (traverse f) g cs
<*> bitraverseScope (traverse f) g b
bitraverse f g (Loc r as) = Loc r <$> bitraverse f g as
bitraverse f g (Exists n ks cs) =
Exists n <$> traverse (traverse (traverse f)) ks
<*> bitraverseScope (traverse f) g cs
bitraverse f g (And cs) = And <$> traverse (bitraverse f g) cs
bitraverseScopeTK :: Applicative f => (k -> f k') -> (a -> f a') -> Scope b (TK k) a -> f (Scope b (TK k') a')
bitraverseScopeTK f = bitransverseScope $ (bitraverse.traverse) f
instance HasKindVars (Type k a) (Type k' a) k k' where
kindVars f = bitraverse f pure
instance Eq k => Eq1 (Type k)
instance Show k => Show1 (Type k)
instance Read k => Read1 (Type k)
instance Eq2 Type
instance Show2 Type
instance Read2 Type
instance Applicative (Type k) where
pure = Var
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Type k) where
return = Var
m >>= g = bindType Kind.Var g m
instance Serial2 Type where
serializeWith2 _ pt (Var v) = putWord8 0 *> pt v
serializeWith2 _ _ (HardType h) = putWord8 1 *> serialize h
serializeWith2 pk pt (Loc _r t) = putWord8 2 *> serializeWith2 pk pt t
serializeWith2 pk pt (App f x) =
putWord8 3 *> serializeWith2 pk pt f *> serializeWith2 pk pt x
serializeWith2 pk pt (Forall n ks c body) =
putWord8 4 *> serialize n *>
serializeWith (serializeWith (serializeScope serialize pk)) ks *>
serializeScope3 serialize (serializeTK pk) pt c *>
serializeScope3 serialize (serializeTK pk) pt body
serializeWith2 pk pt (Exists n ks body) =
putWord8 5 *> serialize n *>
serializeWith (serializeWith (serializeScope serialize pk)) ks *>
serializeScope3 serialize (serializeTK pk) pt body
serializeWith2 pk pt (And ls) =
putWord8 6 *> serializeWith (serializeWith2 pk pt) ls
deserializeWith2 gk gt = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> Var <$> gt
1 -> HardType <$> deserialize
2 -> Loc mempty <$> deserializeWith2 gk gt
3 -> App <$> deserializeWith2 gk gt <*> deserializeWith2 gk gt
4 -> Forall <$> deserialize
<*> deserializeWith (deserializeWith (deserializeScope deserialize gk))
<*> deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeTK gk) gt
<*> deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeTK gk) gt
5 -> Exists <$> deserialize
<*> deserializeWith (deserializeWith (deserializeScope deserialize gk))
<*> deserializeScope3 deserialize (deserializeTK gk) gt
6 -> And <$> deserializeWith (deserializeWith2 gk gt)
_ -> fail $ "deserializeWith2: Unexpected constructor tag: " ++ show b
instance Serial k => Serial1 (Type k) where
serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
instance (Serial k, Serial t) => Serial (Type k t) where
serialize = serializeWith2 serialize serialize
deserialize = deserializeWith2 deserialize deserialize
instance (Binary k, Binary t) => Binary (Type k t) where
put = serializeWith2 Binary.put Binary.put
get = deserializeWith2 Binary.get Binary.get
abstractM :: (MonadState s m, Ord v) => Lens' s (Map v Int) -> v -> m Int
abstractM l v = use l >>= \m -> case m ^. at v of
Just i -> return i
Nothing -> let i = Map.size m
m' = m & at v ?~ i
in l .= m' >> return i
unbound :: Var b f -> f
unbound (F v) = v
unbound (B _) = error "unbound: B"
forall :: (Ord k, Ord t)
=> (k -> Hint) -> (t -> Hint) -> [k] -> [(t, Kind k)] -> Type k t -> Type k t
-> Type k t
forall kh th ks tks cs (Forall n tls ds b) =
bimap unbound unbound $
forall kh' th' ks' tks' (mergeConstraints cs' $ fromScope ds) (fromScope b)
kh' = unvar (n!!) kh
th' = unvar (fst . (tls!!)) th
cs' = bimap F F cs
ks' = map F ks ++ zipWith (const . B) [0..] n
tks' = map (bimap F $ fmap F) tks ++ imap (\i l -> (B i, fromScope $ extract l)) tls
forall kh th ks0 tks0 cs body = evalState ?? (Map.empty, Map.empty) $ do
body' <- typeVars tty body
tvm <- use _2
let tvs = vars tvm
tks' <- (traverse.traverse.kindVars) tkn $ (th &&& (Map.!) tm) <$> tvs
body'' <- kindVars tkn body'
kvm <- use _1
let kvs = vars kvm
cs' = abstract (`Map.lookup` tvm)
. abstractKinds (`Map.lookup` kvm)
$ exists kh th
(filter (`Map.notMember` kvm) ks)
(filter (flip Map.notMember tvm . fst) tks)
return $ Forall (kh <$> kvs) (fmap toScope <$> tks') cs' (Scope body'')
km = Set.fromList ks
tm = Map.fromList tks
ks = nub ks0
tks = nubBy (on (==) fst) tks0
tty t | t `Map.member` tm = B <$> abstractM _2 t
| otherwise = return (F . pure $ t)
tkn k | k `Set.member` km = B <$> abstractM _1 k
| otherwise = return (F k)
vars m = map fst . sortBy (comparing snd) $ Map.toList m
exists :: (Ord k, Ord t)
=> (k -> Hint) -> (t -> Hint) -> [k] -> [(t, Kind k)] -> Type k t -> Type k t
exists kh th ks tks body = case body of
Exists n ls b -> process n ls (fromScope b)
_ -> process [] [] (bimap F F body)
oks = setOf kindVars body
ots = setOf typeVars body
ks' = filter (`Set.member` oks) ks
(ts', tks') = unzip $ filter (\(t, _) -> t `Set.member` ots) tks
htks' = zip (th <$> ts') tks'
ex n l b
| not (null n) || not (null l) = Exists n l b
| otherwise =
instantiateKinds panic $ instantiate panic b
panic _ = error "exists: Panic: unquantified bound variable."
process kn ls b =
(kn ++ map kh ks')
(ls ++ map (abstract (`elemIndex` ks') <$>) htks')
(toScope $ bimap kf tf b)
tn = length ls
tf (F v) | Just i <- elemIndex v ts' = B $ i + tn
tf v = v
kf (F v) | Just i <- elemIndex v ks' = B $ i + tn
kf v = v
mergeConstraints :: Type k t -> Type k t -> Type k t
mergeConstraints (Exists m ks (Scope c)) (Exists n ls (Scope d)) =
Exists (m ++ n) (ks ++ ls') . Scope $ mergeConstraints c d'
bk :: Var Int a -> Var Int a
bk = first (+ length m)
ls' = fmap (Scope . fmap bk . unscope) <$> ls
d' = bimap bk (bimap (+ length ks) (first bk)) d
mergeConstraints (Exists m ks (Scope c)) d =
Exists m ks . Scope $ mergeConstraints c (bimap F (F . pure) d)
mergeConstraints c (Exists m ks (Scope d)) =
Exists m ks . Scope $ mergeConstraints (bimap F (F . pure) c) d
mergeConstraints (And ls) (And rs) = And $ ls ++ rs
mergeConstraints (And ls) r = And $ ls ++ [r]
mergeConstraints l (And rs) = And $ l : rs
mergeConstraints l r = And [l, r]
allConstraints :: [Type k t] -> Type k t
allConstraints = foldl' mergeConstraints (And [])
(~~>) :: Type k t -> Type k t -> Type k t
a ~~> Forall kn tks cs body =
Forall kn tks cs (Scope $ bimap F (F . pure) a ~> unscope body)
a ~~> b = a ~> b
(==>) :: (Ord k, Ord t) => [Type k t] -> Type k t -> Type k t
cs ==> t = forall (const Nothing) (const Nothing) [] [] (allConstraints cs) t
isTrivialConstraint :: Type k a -> Bool
isTrivialConstraint (And cs) = all isTrivialConstraint cs
isTrivialConstraint (Exists _ _ cs) = isTrivialConstraint $ fromScope cs
isTrivialConstraint _ = False
isRowConstraint :: Type k a -> Bool
isRowConstraint _ = False
bindType :: (k -> Kind k') -> (a -> Type k' b) -> Type k a -> Type k' b
bindType _ g (Var a) = g a
bindType f g (App l r) = App (bindType f g l) (bindType f g r)
bindType _ _ (HardType t) = HardType t
bindType f g (Forall n tks cs b) =
Forall n (fmap (>>>= f) <$> tks)
(hoistScope (bindTK f) cs >>>= liftTK . g)
(hoistScope (bindTK f) b >>>= liftTK . g)
bindType f g (Loc r as) = Loc r (bindType f g as)
bindType f g (Exists n ks cs) =
Exists n (fmap (>>>= f) <$> ks) (hoistScope (bindTK f) cs >>>= liftTK . g)
bindType f g (And cs) = And $ bindType f g <$> cs
closedType :: Type k t -> Maybe (Type k' t')
closedType = bitraverse (const Nothing) (const Nothing)
class HasTypeVars s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
typeVars :: Traversal s t a b
instance HasTypeVars (Type k a) (Type k b) a b where
typeVars = traverse
instance (HasTypeVars s t a b, HasTypeVars u v a b) => HasTypeVars (s,u) (t,v) a b where
typeVars = beside typeVars typeVars
instance (HasTypeVars s t a b, HasTypeVars u v a b, HasTypeVars w x a b) => HasTypeVars (s,u,w) (t,v,x) a b where
typeVars f (s,u,w) = (,,) <$> typeVars f s <*> typeVars f u <*> typeVars f w
instance HasTypeVars s t a b => HasTypeVars [s] [t] a b where
typeVars = traverse.typeVars
instance HasTypeVars s t a b => HasTypeVars (IntMap s) (IntMap t) a b where
typeVars = traverse.typeVars
instance HasTypeVars s t a b => HasTypeVars (Map k s) (Map k t) a b where
typeVars = traverse.typeVars
type TK k = Type (Var Int k)
liftTK :: Type k a -> TK k a
liftTK = first F
bindTK :: (k -> Kind k') -> TK k a -> TK k' a
bindTK f = bindType (traverse f) Var
serializeTK :: MonadPut m => (k -> m ()) -> (t -> m ()) -> TK k t -> m ()
serializeTK = serializeWith2 . serializeWith
deserializeTK :: MonadGet m => m k -> m t -> m (TK k t)
deserializeTK = deserializeWith2 . deserializeWith
abstractKinds :: (k -> Maybe Int) -> Type k a -> TK k a
abstractKinds f = first k where
k y = case f y of
Just z -> B z
Nothing -> F y
abstractAll :: (Ord k, Ord a)
=> (k -> Hint) -> (a -> Hint)
-> Type (Maybe k) a -> (Scope Int (TK ()) b, ([Hint], [Hint]))
abstractAll kh th = flip runState ([], []) . fmap Scope . bimemoverse kv tv
kv Nothing = pure $ F ()
kv (Just s) = B . length <$> (_1 <<%= (kh s:))
tv s = B . length <$> (_2 <<%= (th s:))
instantiateKinds :: (Int -> Kind k) -> TK k a -> Type k a
instantiateKinds k = bindType go Var where
go (B b) = k b
go (F a) = pure a
instantiateKindVars :: [k] -> TK k a -> Type k a
instantiateKindVars as = first (unvar (as!!) id)
bimemoverse :: (Bitraversable t, Applicative f, Monad f, Ord k, Ord a)
=> (k -> f l) -> (a -> f b)
-> t k a -> f (t l b)
bimemoverse knd typ = flip evalStateT (Map.empty, Map.empty) . bitraverse (memoed _1 knd) (memoed _2 typ)
memoed :: (Ord v, Monad f) => Lens' s (Map v u) -> (v -> f u) -> v -> StateT s f u
memoed l g v = use l >>= \m -> case m ^. at v of
Just v' -> return v'
Nothing -> do v' <- lift (g v) v ?= v'
return v'
memoverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f, Monad f, Ord a)
=> (a -> f b)
-> t a -> f (t b)
memoverse typ = flip evalStateT Map.empty . traverse (memoed typ)
memoed g v = State.get >>= \m -> case m ^. at v of
Just v' -> return v'
Nothing -> do v' <- lift (g v)
at v ?= v'
return v'
data Annot a = Annot [Hint] [Hint] !(Scope Int (Type Int) a)
deriving Show
annot :: (Ord k, Ord a)
=> (k -> Hint)
-> (a -> Hint)
-> [k]
-> [a]
-> Type (Maybe k) a -> Annot a
annot hk ht sks sts t
= Annot (replicate n Nothing ++ map hk sks) (map ht sts) $ abstract (`elemIndex` sts) t''
(t', n) = runState (kindVars ak t) 0
ak (Just k) = pure $ case elemIndex k sks of
Nothing -> F k
Just i -> B $ n+i
ak Nothing = state $ \i -> let i' = i + 1 in i' `seq` (B i, i')
t'' = forall (unvar (const Nothing) hk) ht (t'^ F) [] (And []) t' &
kindVars %~ unvar id (error "impossibru")
instance Functor Annot where
fmap f (Annot ks tks b) = Annot ks tks (fmap f b)
instance Foldable Annot where
foldMap f (Annot _ _ b) = foldMap f b
instance Traversable Annot where
traverse f (Annot ks tks b) = Annot ks tks <$> traverse f b
instance HasTypeVars (Annot a) (Annot a') a a' where
typeVars = traverse
instance Variable Annot where
_Var = prism (Annot [] [] . return) $ \ t@(Annot _ _ (Scope b)) -> case b of
Var (F (Var k)) -> Right k
_ -> Left t
instance Typical (Annot a) where
hardType = prism (Annot [] [] . lift . review hardType) $ \ t@(Annot _ _ (Scope b)) -> case b of
HardType a -> Right a
Var (F (HardType a)) -> Right a
_ -> Left t
instance Serial1 Annot where
serializeWith pt (Annot ks ts s) = serialize ks *> serialize ts *> serializeWith pt s
deserializeWith gt = Annot <$> deserialize <*> deserialize <*> deserializeWith gt
instance Serial a => Serial (Annot a) where
serialize = serializeWith serialize
deserialize = deserializeWith deserialize
instance Binary a => Binary (Annot a) where
put = serializeWith Binary.put
get = deserializeWith Binary.get