Copyright | (c) Edward Kmett and Dan Doel 2012-2014 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Dan Doel <> |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable (DeriveDataTypeable) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides the AST for data type declarations
Show2 DataType | |
Eq2 DataType | |
Bitraversable DataType | |
Serial2 DataType | |
Bifunctor DataType | |
Bifoldable DataType | |
Functor (DataType k) | |
Foldable (DataType k) | |
Traversable (DataType k) | |
Show k => Show1 (DataType k) | |
Eq k => Eq1 (DataType k) | |
Serial k => Serial1 (DataType k) | |
BoundBy (DataType k) (Type k) | |
(Eq k, Eq t) => Eq (DataType k t) | |
(Show k, Show t) => Show (DataType k t) | |
Generic (DataType k t) | |
(Binary k, Binary t) => Binary (DataType k t) | |
(Serialize k, Serialize t) => Serialize (DataType k t) | |
(Serial k, Serial t) => Serial (DataType k t) | |
HasName (DataType k t) | |
HasGlobal (DataType k t) | |
Typeable (* -> * -> *) DataType | |
HasKindVars (DataType k t) (DataType k' t) k k' | |
HasTypeVars (DataType k t) (DataType k t') t t' | |
type Rep (DataType k t) |
constrs :: Lens (DataType k t) (DataType k u) [Constructor (Var Int k) (Var Int t)] [Constructor (Var Int k) (Var Int u)] Source
constructors :: Traversal (DataType k t) (DataType k u) (Constructor (Var Int k) (Var Int t)) (Constructor (Var Int k) (Var Int u)) Source
dataTypeSchema :: DataType k t -> Schema k Source