Copyright | (c) Edward Kmett and Dan Doel 2012 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Edward Kmett <> |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Type k a
- forall :: (Ord k, Ord t) => (k -> Hint) -> (t -> Hint) -> [k] -> [(t, Kind k)] -> Type k t -> Type k t -> Type k t
- exists :: (Ord k, Ord t) => (k -> Hint) -> (t -> Hint) -> [k] -> [(t, Kind k)] -> Type k t -> Type k t
- mergeConstraints :: Type k t -> Type k t -> Type k t
- allConstraints :: [Type k t] -> Type k t
- (~~>) :: Type k t -> Type k t -> Type k t
- (==>) :: (Ord k, Ord t) => [Type k t] -> Type k t -> Type k t
- isTrivialConstraint :: Type k a -> Bool
- isRowConstraint :: Type k a -> Bool
- type FieldName = Text
- data HardType
- class Typical t where
- type TK k = Type (Var Int k)
- abstractKinds :: (k -> Maybe Int) -> Type k a -> TK k a
- instantiateKinds :: (Int -> Kind k) -> TK k a -> Type k a
- instantiateKindVars :: [k] -> TK k a -> Type k a
- bitraverseScopeTK :: Applicative f => (k -> f k') -> (a -> f a') -> Scope b (TK k) a -> f (Scope b (TK k') a')
- bindType :: (k -> Kind k') -> (a -> Type k' b) -> Type k a -> Type k' b
- bindTK :: (k -> Kind k') -> TK k a -> TK k' a
- closedType :: Type k t -> Maybe (Type k' t')
- bimemoverse :: (Bitraversable t, Applicative f, Monad f, Ord k, Ord a) => (k -> f l) -> (a -> f b) -> t k a -> f (t l b)
- memoverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f, Monad f, Ord a) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
- abstractAll :: (Ord k, Ord a) => (k -> Hint) -> (a -> Hint) -> Type (Maybe k) a -> (Scope Int (TK ()) b, ([Hint], [Hint]))
- class HasTypeVars s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
- typeVars :: Traversal s t a b
- data Annot a = Annot [Hint] [Hint] !(Scope Int (Type Int) a)
- annot :: (Ord k, Ord a) => (k -> Hint) -> (a -> Hint) -> [k] -> [a] -> Type (Maybe k) a -> Annot a
- serializeTK :: MonadPut m => (k -> m ()) -> (t -> m ()) -> TK k t -> m ()
- deserializeTK :: MonadGet m => m k -> m t -> m (TK k t)
Ermine types, parameterized by their free kind variables and free type variables
For the purposes of type checking and general ease of use, we maintain several invariants privileging otherwise isomorphic types. Those invariants are as follows:
- There is never a
to the right of an arrow; the forall is lifted out:T -> forall a. U ==> forall a. T -> U
- All variables bound by a quantifier are used:
forall a b. a ==> forall a. a
- Exists must quantify at least one type or kind variable.
should be stripped out of all types:Exists
0 []exists . C ==> C
must either quantify one variable or contain a non-trivial constraint:forall . T ==> T
- Quantifiers must not directly contain another quantifier of the same type;
they should be coalesced:
forall a. forall b. T ==> forall a b. T
- Ands of constraints should not be nested, the lists should be coalesced:
((C, D), E) ==> (C, D, E)
- Existentials should be floated out to the top of constraints:
(exists a. C, exists b. D) ==> exists a b. (C, D)
should only quantify variables that occur in the non-constraint portion of the body. Other variables should be pushed into existential quantifiers in the constraints:forall a b. C b => a ==> forall a. (exists b. C b) => a
- The order of the variables in a forall should correspond to that of their use in the rest of the type. For kinds, this includes their appearance in the annotations of the type variables in the same quantifier:
forall {l k} (b : l) (a : k) (g : l -> *) (f : k -> *). f a -> g b ==> forall {k l} (f : k -> *) (a : k) (g : l -> *) (b : l). f a -> g b
Var a | |
App !(Type k a) !(Type k a) infixl 9 | |
HardType !HardType | |
Forall [Hint] [(Hint, Scope Int Kind k)] (Scope Int (TK k) a) !(Scope Int (TK k) a) | |
Loc !Rendering !(Type k a) | |
Exists [Hint] [(Hint, Scope Int Kind k)] (Scope Int (TK k) a) | |
And [Type k a] |
Show2 Type | |
Read2 Type | |
Eq2 Type | |
Bitraversable Type | |
Serial2 Type | |
Hashable2 Type | |
Bifunctor Type | |
Bifoldable Type | |
((~) (* -> * -> *) p (Tagged *), (~) (* -> *) f Identity) => Tup p f (Type k t) | |
Monad (Type k) | |
Functor (Type k) | |
Applicative (Type k) | |
Foldable (Type k) | |
Traversable (Type k) | |
Show k => Show1 (Type k) | |
Read k => Read1 (Type k) | |
Eq k => Eq1 (Type k) | |
Digestable k => Digestable1 (Type k) | |
Hashable k => Hashable1 (Type k) | |
Serial k => Serial1 (Type k) | |
Fun (Type k) | |
App (Type k) | |
Variable (Type k) | |
BoundBy (Constructor k) (Type k) | |
BoundBy (DataType k) (Type k) | |
(Eq k, Eq a) => Eq (Type k a) | |
(Data k, Data a) => Data (Type k a) | |
(Read k, Read a) => Read (Type k a) | |
(Show k, Show a) => Show (Type k a) | |
IsString a => IsString (Type k a) | |
Generic (Type k a) | |
(Binary k, Binary t) => Binary (Type k t) | |
(Hashable k, Hashable a) => Hashable (Type k a) | |
(Digestable k, Digestable t) => Digestable (Type k t) | |
(Serial k, Serial t) => Serial (Type k t) | |
Typical (Type k a) | |
Builtin (Type k t) | |
Typeable (* -> * -> *) Type | |
HasKindVars (Type k a) (Type k' a) k k' | |
HasTypeVars (Type k a) (Type k b) a b | |
type Rep (Type k a) |
forall :: (Ord k, Ord t) => (k -> Hint) -> (t -> Hint) -> [k] -> [(t, Kind k)] -> Type k t -> Type k t -> Type k t Source
A smart constructor for forall
. Given a list of kinds, a list of type
variables with their kinds, a list of constraints, and a body, abstracts
over the kind and type variables in the constraints and the body in
the canonical order determined by the body.
exists :: (Ord k, Ord t) => (k -> Hint) -> (t -> Hint) -> [k] -> [(t, Kind k)] -> Type k t -> Type k t Source
Abstracts over the specified variables using existential quantification.
The input type is assumed to meet some invariants (see mergeConstraints
and those invariants are maintained if so.
mergeConstraints :: Type k t -> Type k t -> Type k t Source
Takes two constraint types and builds their intersection. The arguments are assumed to follow the invariants that:
1) All existentials are outer-most.
2) There are no exists of exists
3) There are no Ands of Ands
4) All quantified variables are actually used in the bodies
No attempt is made to simplify the constraints, but the above invariants are maintained.
allConstraints :: [Type k t] -> Type k t Source
As mergeConstraints, but 0 or more
(~~>) :: Type k t -> Type k t -> Type k t Source
A smart constructor for function types that moves foralls from the right of an arrow. The right-hand type is assumed to follow the proper invariants for a forall if it is one.
(==>) :: (Ord k, Ord t) => [Type k t] -> Type k t -> Type k t Source
A smart constructor for constrained types.
isTrivialConstraint :: Type k a -> Bool Source
Determines whether the type in question is a trivial constraint, which may be dropped from the type. The simplest example is 'And []', but the function works for non-normalized constraints that are equivalent.
isRowConstraint :: Type k a -> Bool Source
Determines whether the given type is a row constraint.
As of now, we have no row constraints.
Hard Types
A Type
that can be compared with mere structural equality.
Minimal complete definition
type TK k = Type (Var Int k) Source
is a handy alias for dealing with type scopes that bind kind variables. It's a
dumber version than the Bound Scope, as we are unsure that the extra nesting pays off
relative to the extra effort.
abstractKinds :: (k -> Maybe Int) -> Type k a -> TK k a Source
Bind some of the kinds referenced by a Type
N.B. This doesn't do any checking to assure that the integers given
are in any kind of canonical order, so this should not be used unless
that doesn't matter.
instantiateKindVars :: [k] -> TK k a -> Type k a Source
Instantiate kinds using a list of variables.
bitraverseScopeTK :: Applicative f => (k -> f k') -> (a -> f a') -> Scope b (TK k) a -> f (Scope b (TK k') a') Source
bindType :: (k -> Kind k') -> (a -> Type k' b) -> Type k a -> Type k' b Source
Perform simultaneous substitution on kinds and types in a Type
bindTK :: (k -> Kind k') -> TK k a -> TK k' a Source
Substitute kind variables in a TK
, leaving the bound kinds untouched.
closedType :: Type k t -> Maybe (Type k' t') Source
If a type has no free type or kind variables, the parameters can freely be changed. This function performs that test. See also Bound.close.
bimemoverse :: (Bitraversable t, Applicative f, Monad f, Ord k, Ord a) => (k -> f l) -> (a -> f b) -> t k a -> f (t l b) Source
A version of bitraverse that only runs the functions in question once for each distinct value in the traversable container, remembering the result on the first run, and reusing it.
memoverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f, Monad f, Ord a) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b) Source
abstractAll :: (Ord k, Ord a) => (k -> Hint) -> (a -> Hint) -> Type (Maybe k) a -> (Scope Int (TK ()) b, ([Hint], [Hint])) Source
Abstract all the unique variables out of a type with ordered type variables and ordered, possibly unknown kind variables. This yields a scope with possibly unknown kind variables and verifiably no type variables. Also returned are the number of unique kind and type variables
Type Variables
class HasTypeVars s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source
Provide a Traversal
of type variables that can be used to extract them or substitute them for other type variables.
HasTypeVars s t a b => HasTypeVars [s] [t] a b | |
HasTypeVars s t a b => HasTypeVars (IntMap s) (IntMap t) a b | |
HasTypeVars (Annot a) (Annot a') a a' | |
(HasTypeVars s t a b, HasTypeVars u v a b) => HasTypeVars (s, u) (t, v) a b | |
HasTypeVars s t a b => HasTypeVars (Map k s) (Map k t) a b | |
HasTypeVars (Type k a) (Type k b) a b | |
HasTypeVars t t' tv tv' => HasTypeVars (Term t a) (Term t' a) tv tv' | |
HasTypeVars (Constructor k t) (Constructor k t') t t' | |
HasTypeVars (DataType k t) (DataType k t') t t' | |
(HasTypeVars s t a b, HasTypeVars u v a b, HasTypeVars w x a b) => HasTypeVars (s, u, w) (t, v, x) a b | |
HasTypeVars t t' v v' => HasTypeVars (Witness c t a) (Witness c t' a) v v' |
Type Annotations
A type annotation
annot :: (Ord k, Ord a) => (k -> Hint) -> (a -> Hint) -> [k] -> [a] -> Type (Maybe k) a -> Annot a Source
serializeTK :: MonadPut m => (k -> m ()) -> (t -> m ()) -> TK k t -> m () Source
deserializeTK :: MonadGet m => m k -> m t -> m (TK k t) Source