Copyright | (c) Edward Kmett and Dan Doel 2012 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Edward Kmett <> |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable (DeriveDataTypeable) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides the AST for Terms
- data Term t a
- bindTerm :: (t -> t') -> (a -> Term t' b) -> Term t a -> Term t' b
- data HardTerm
- class Terminal t where
- data BodyBound
- data WhereBound
- class AsDecl t where
- data Binding t a = Binding {
- _bindingLoc :: !Rendering
- _bindingType :: !(BindingType t)
- _bindingBodies :: [Body t a]
- class HasBinding t t a | t -> t a where
- binding :: Lens' t (Binding t a)
- bindingBodies :: Lens' t [Body t a]
- bindingLoc :: Lens' t Rendering
- bindingType :: Lens' t (BindingType t)
- data BindingType t
- _Implicit :: forall t. Prism' (BindingType t) ()
- _Explicit :: forall t t. Prism (BindingType t) (BindingType t) t t
- data Body t a = Body {
- _bodyPatterns :: [Pattern t]
- _bodyGuarded :: Guarded (Scope BodyBound (Term t) a)
- _bodyWhere :: [Binding t (Var WhereBound a)]
- bodyPatterns :: forall t a. Lens' (Body t a) [Pattern t]
- bodyGuarded :: forall t a. Lens' (Body t a) (Guarded (Scope BodyBound (Term t) a))
- bodyWhere :: forall t a. Lens' (Body t a) [Binding t (Var WhereBound a)]
- bodyDecls :: Traversal' (Body t a) Word64
Terms in the Ermine language.
Var a | |
App !(Term t a) !(Term t a) | |
HardTerm !HardTerm | |
Sig !(Term t a) t | |
Lam [Pattern t] !(Scope PatternPath (Term t) a) | |
Case !(Term t a) [Alt t (Term t) a] | |
Let [Binding t a] !(Scope Word64 (Term t) a) | |
Loc !Rendering !(Term t a) | informational link to the location the term came from |
Remember !Int !(Term t a) | Used to provide hole support. |
Show2 Term | |
Eq2 Term | |
Bitraversable Term | |
Serial2 Term | |
Bifunctor Term | |
Bifoldable Term | |
((~) (* -> * -> *) p (Tagged *), (~) (* -> *) f Identity) => Tup p f (Term t a) | |
Monad (Term t) | |
Functor (Term t) | |
Applicative (Term t) | |
Foldable (Term t) | |
Traversable (Term t) | |
Show t => Show1 (Term t) | |
Eq t => Eq1 (Term t) | |
Serial t => Serial1 (Term t) | |
App (Term t) | |
Variable (Term t) | |
(Eq t, Eq a) => Eq (Term t a) | |
(Show t, Show a) => Show (Term t a) | |
IsString a => IsString (Term t a) | |
(Binary t, Binary v) => Binary (Term t v) | |
(Serialize t, Serialize v) => Serialize (Term t v) | |
(Serial t, Serial v) => Serial (Term t v) | |
Terminal (Term t a) | |
HasKindVars t t' k k' => HasKindVars (Term t a) (Term t' a) k k' | |
HasTypeVars t t' tv tv' => HasTypeVars (Term t a) (Term t' a) tv tv' |
bindTerm :: (t -> t') -> (a -> Term t' b) -> Term t a -> Term t' b Source
Perform simultaneous substitution on terms and type annotations.
Hard Terms
Simple terms that can be compared with structural equality.
This class provides a prism to match against or inject a HardTerm
Minimal complete definition
Bound variables in a declaration are rather complicated. One can refer
to any of the following:
1. Definitions in the same declaration sequence
2. Variables bound in a pattern
3. Definitions in a where clause
the DeclBound
type captures these three cases in the respective constructors.
data WhereBound Source
WhereDecl Word64 | |
WherePat PatternPath |
Eq WhereBound | |
Ord WhereBound | |
Read WhereBound | |
Show WhereBound | |
Generic WhereBound | |
Binary WhereBound | |
Serialize WhereBound | |
Serial WhereBound | |
AsDecl WhereBound | |
type Rep WhereBound |
Minimal complete definition
A Binding provides its source location as a rendering, knowledge of if it is explicit or implicitly bound and a list of right hand side bindings.
Binding | |
Bitraversable Binding | |
Serial2 Binding | |
Bifunctor Binding | |
Bifoldable Binding | |
Functor (Binding t) | |
Foldable (Binding t) | |
Traversable (Binding t) | |
Serial t => Serial1 (Binding t) | |
(Eq t, Eq a) => Eq (Binding t a) | |
(Show t, Show a) => Show (Binding t a) | |
(Binary t, Binary v) => Binary (Binding t v) | |
(Serial t, Serial v) => Serial (Binding t v) | |
HasBinding (Binding t a) t a |
class HasBinding t t a | t -> t a where Source
Minimal complete definition
binding :: Lens' t (Binding t a) Source
bindingBodies :: Lens' t [Body t a] Source
bindingLoc :: Lens' t Rendering Source
bindingType :: Lens' t (BindingType t) Source
HasBinding (Binding t a) t a |
data BindingType t Source
Indicate if a definition is explicitly bound with a type annotation or implicitly bound without.
Functor BindingType | |
Foldable BindingType | |
Traversable BindingType | |
Serial1 BindingType | |
Eq t => Eq (BindingType t) | |
Show t => Show (BindingType t) | |
Generic (BindingType t) | |
Binary t => Binary (BindingType t) | |
Serialize t => Serialize (BindingType t) | |
Serial t => Serial (BindingType t) | |
type Rep (BindingType t) |
_Implicit :: forall t. Prism' (BindingType t) () Source
_Explicit :: forall t t. Prism (BindingType t) (BindingType t) t t Source
A body is the right hand side of a definition. This isn't a term because it has to perform simultaneous matches on multiple patterns with backtracking. Each Body contains a list of where clause bindings to which the body and guards can refer.
Body | |
Bitraversable Body | |
Serial2 Body | |
Bifunctor Body | |
Bifoldable Body | |
Functor (Body t) | |
Foldable (Body t) | |
Traversable (Body t) | |
Serial t => Serial1 (Body t) | |
(Eq t, Eq a) => Eq (Body t a) | |
(Show t, Show a) => Show (Body t a) | |
(Binary t, Binary a) => Binary (Body t a) | |
(Serialize t, Serialize a) => Serialize (Body t a) | |
(Serial t, Serial v) => Serial (Body t v) |
bodyPatterns :: forall t a. Lens' (Body t a) [Pattern t] Source
bodyWhere :: forall t a. Lens' (Body t a) [Binding t (Var WhereBound a)] Source